Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Border Wall Will Not Work If Still Crossing By Vehicle - 77 Found In Re-Painted Truck
How did truck jammed with 77 illegals get across border? Smells of payoff.
Monday, January 29, 2018
More Trump "Swamp Cleaning" in D.C.
McCabe 'resigning' from the FBI with full benefits end of March. I never mentioned that the FBI sent a total of 6 people to ask tennis players at the Army-Navy Club in Arlington asking if they saw the plane that hit the Pentagon (2 miles away from the tennis courts). I was at the Club and saw them. Two groups of three, Two different days.
Hundreds of people, including myself, who heard the 600 miles an hour plane with the landing gear up, saw that it veered from it's it's intended course. My full interview with my deceased friend, DeWayne Bartels, appeared in the now gone Observor.
Even a Democrat politician would have known that the plane was intended to hit the White House and the second plane that real heroes caused to crash was to hit the Pentagon. When the terrorists learned about the fate of the other plane, they had to make a quick decision and that was the 'hated' Pentagon. Plus it was a bigger and more visible target.
Where was the stiff-necked FBI BEFORE the horrible attacks?
Hundreds of people, including myself, who heard the 600 miles an hour plane with the landing gear up, saw that it veered from it's it's intended course. My full interview with my deceased friend, DeWayne Bartels, appeared in the now gone Observor.
Even a Democrat politician would have known that the plane was intended to hit the White House and the second plane that real heroes caused to crash was to hit the Pentagon. When the terrorists learned about the fate of the other plane, they had to make a quick decision and that was the 'hated' Pentagon. Plus it was a bigger and more visible target.
Where was the stiff-necked FBI BEFORE the horrible attacks?
Jay-Z - Another Hollywood Type Who Should Give Most Of His $400 Million Net Worth Away
In slamming President Trump, Jay-Z says, "At the end of the day, it isn't money that creates happiness". So why doesn't he send all but a million dollars he makes out of his $100,000,000.00 he makes a year to Haiti? Or Peoria?
Lot's of complaining whites and people of color could live "high off the hog"" on JUST one million dollars per year.
His type all have big mouths and are 95% Democrats or Socialists voting the Democrat ticket. He has the type of talent I wouldn't walk across the street to watch.
Lot's of complaining whites and people of color could live "high off the hog"" on JUST one million dollars per year.
His type all have big mouths and are 95% Democrats or Socialists voting the Democrat ticket. He has the type of talent I wouldn't walk across the street to watch.
Oprah Winfrey Net Worth - 3.9 BILLION Dollars
She is one of thousands of black people who make over 8 million a year. Using Ms. Winfrey an example, if she gave $300,000,000.00 away to poor NEEDY blacks, she would still be worth $3.6 billion and earning close to $3 hundred million or more EACH year..
She's come a long way from slavery. So have ALL OTHER BLACKS WHO LIVE IN AMERICA,
Slavery exist in countries all over the world TODAY. Why not 'hit' on those countries or better yet move there and help them throw of their bondage.
I suggest the radicals who blame our President on their woes, read books other than the oncs that keep blaming the white Republicans for some factual woes and many created by themselves.
She's come a long way from slavery. So have ALL OTHER BLACKS WHO LIVE IN AMERICA,
Slavery exist in countries all over the world TODAY. Why not 'hit' on those countries or better yet move there and help them throw of their bondage.
I suggest the radicals who blame our President on their woes, read books other than the oncs that keep blaming the white Republicans for some factual woes and many created by themselves.
Water and Earth Facts Few People Know - Or Know and Don't Want To Believe
73% of the earth is covered by water. 63% is contained in ice and snow. The crust of the earth is constantly changing due to activities often far below the crust. As more materials are taken out below the crust. the more likely to have sinkholes and local destructive changes to the earth crusts.
Scientists that report facts will say that many factors may be involved in surface changes on this planet on which we all live.
Many deserts were once covered with water. Change on the crust of the earth are more noticeable and these changes cause radicals of all types to put the blame on anyone they don't like.
The blame goes on mother mature; on an earth that still has hundreds of active volcanoes, earthquakes; remember the disastrous one that hit San Francisco in 1907 and flooding that wiped out the City of Dawin, Australia on a Christmas Day more than a century ago and of course, the flood that wiped out Galveston., Texas, New Orleans, the Mt. St. Helens volcano, Pompei, Italy and so many of natures disasters that would fill a book, all happening in just the last 1000 years.
And destructive forest fires, most often caused by lightning and ignorants or deliberate humanoids.
Blame Mother Nature and teach these elementary facts in our public school systems rather than the erroneous babel of the Al Gore types, many of them local.
Scientists that report facts will say that many factors may be involved in surface changes on this planet on which we all live.
Many deserts were once covered with water. Change on the crust of the earth are more noticeable and these changes cause radicals of all types to put the blame on anyone they don't like.
The blame goes on mother mature; on an earth that still has hundreds of active volcanoes, earthquakes; remember the disastrous one that hit San Francisco in 1907 and flooding that wiped out the City of Dawin, Australia on a Christmas Day more than a century ago and of course, the flood that wiped out Galveston., Texas, New Orleans, the Mt. St. Helens volcano, Pompei, Italy and so many of natures disasters that would fill a book, all happening in just the last 1000 years.
And destructive forest fires, most often caused by lightning and ignorants or deliberate humanoids.
Blame Mother Nature and teach these elementary facts in our public school systems rather than the erroneous babel of the Al Gore types, many of them local.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Excess Wealth In All Countries - The U.S.A. Is Ranked 7th
Most earned by hard work and ambition. And the ability to see something others see but don't want to work that hard. Nothing wrong with those who are satisfied with a decent living. Much wealth is inherited wealth.
Equal opportunity is promised and even that promise is somewhat false.
I would never been able to be a LeBron James, worth a reputeded 260 million, And a child born crippled has a difficult world but most make the best of their condition. We have our problems here and have millions of Social workers and Agencies to assist those in need., but we are not to play 'sugar daddy' to the whole world who ask for help from us because they know we have a history of giving.
Giving is good but needs in the U.S.A. come FIRST.
The wealthy, at least most of them, give a lot to charities. Too bad that it makes them feel good, while they don't pay much attenention to how their 'charitalble' money is spent.
See my old blog under, "Charities"
Equal opportunity is promised and even that promise is somewhat false.
I would never been able to be a LeBron James, worth a reputeded 260 million, And a child born crippled has a difficult world but most make the best of their condition. We have our problems here and have millions of Social workers and Agencies to assist those in need., but we are not to play 'sugar daddy' to the whole world who ask for help from us because they know we have a history of giving.
Giving is good but needs in the U.S.A. come FIRST.
The wealthy, at least most of them, give a lot to charities. Too bad that it makes them feel good, while they don't pay much attenention to how their 'charitalble' money is spent.
See my old blog under, "Charities"
To Nay-Sayers. Trickle Down Appears To Be Working, Workers Worth It Or Not
Very little mention of merit pay these days.In the 1990's, I visited all but three Peoria Public Schools. I witnessed first hand why so many, especially those that are now militant blacks and and disappointed whites, while playing the 'blame others' game.
The the dumbing down of all races and genders. to make them feel good with their often false grades. Hard to hold the students interest in an education when welfare benefits paid more than a real job. While local drug dealers 15 years and up, were wearing bookoo gold chains and flashing their money while impregnating impressed young women..
And then leaving them with kids and no money.
Hard for even good teachers, of which their are many, encouraging these kids to be the best they could be. Why so many have had trouble finding and holding living wages jobs for the last 2 decades.
See my blog of years ago titled, "Dumbing Down". A source prominently linked to Peoria Promise told me that of those who had graduated from high school, 75% had to take remedial reading once they had entered ICC.
So sad.
The the dumbing down of all races and genders. to make them feel good with their often false grades. Hard to hold the students interest in an education when welfare benefits paid more than a real job. While local drug dealers 15 years and up, were wearing bookoo gold chains and flashing their money while impregnating impressed young women..
And then leaving them with kids and no money.
Hard for even good teachers, of which their are many, encouraging these kids to be the best they could be. Why so many have had trouble finding and holding living wages jobs for the last 2 decades.
See my blog of years ago titled, "Dumbing Down". A source prominently linked to Peoria Promise told me that of those who had graduated from high school, 75% had to take remedial reading once they had entered ICC.
So sad.
Unemployment At 27 Year Lows - Stock Market At Historicf Levels
Old news but just a reminder, especially to those who teach, especially Journalism teachers.
Left--Wing Democrat (Socialist) Mainstream Media and U.S.A. Fiirst
These National Inquirer types can't even use common sense. Any country that doesn't put the welfare of their own citizenry FIRST is bound to fail eventually. Our country, my country and hopefully yours, through our President Donald Trump, is putting a stop to the rest of the world using our country as a 'sugar daddy" in the dozens of ways they have been using us under Democrats mostly and too many Republicans.
It's long ben written that if 'you don't love yourself, most likely you will not be able to REALLY love some one else. Putting yourself or your country first does not mean that you cannot love a whole lot of others.
However, putting others down WITHOUT REASON is not showing that you care.
Trump has a reason to put other countries down and a reason to carefully screen those seeking to enter this country, enfore laws already on the books and show that ttthey must cross our borders legally.
To enter this land of once common sense and still a land of opportunity. Otherwise, why would so many want to come here?
And yes, we need more legal immigrants with SKILLS. It appears we have enough people trying to get into this country 'by hook or crook' that have no skills whatsoever..
It's long ben written that if 'you don't love yourself, most likely you will not be able to REALLY love some one else. Putting yourself or your country first does not mean that you cannot love a whole lot of others.
However, putting others down WITHOUT REASON is not showing that you care.
Trump has a reason to put other countries down and a reason to carefully screen those seeking to enter this country, enfore laws already on the books and show that ttthey must cross our borders legally.
To enter this land of once common sense and still a land of opportunity. Otherwise, why would so many want to come here?
And yes, we need more legal immigrants with SKILLS. It appears we have enough people trying to get into this country 'by hook or crook' that have no skills whatsoever..
FBI-Russia Missing Text Messages Recovered
This should be interestingc. Thank goodness, for forensic science.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Some Democrats Sit Out Mayor's Meeting With Our President
They claim Trump is picking on their 'immigrants. again. Tump is continuing picking up illegals with conviction records, who have over stayed their visa permits and committed other illegal acts. He will continue to do so. The Democrats want open borders so these illegals will keep them in political office forever, term limits be damned.
Message For Terry Bibo - Reporter For the CW - January Issue
50 Feet of snow? POSSIBLE she writes. Thank Climate change. Ok, everyone, even President Trump believes in climate change. The sob sisters in the media believe it is caused by those that help finanially support these sob sisters who write ridiculous articles in the CW: and spouted by all hard left leaning medias that climate change is caused by manufactures, power plants, etc. (Most of these local male and female sob sisters hold taxpayer supported jobs somewhere in the Democrat controlled State of Illinois, hold Democrat desk job positions in Peoria, Springfield and especially Chicago and count on these polluters to pay for their jobs).
I's asking Ms. Bibo to look up facts about the 'little ice age in Europe that started around the 1300's." Wikipedia tells all. Ask what caused this Ice Age? Amd the glaciers that came out of the North and stopped just short of Eureka, Il.? What caused them to stop in Europe and recede? And why these glaciers pulled back just a scant 10,000 years ago??
Were these climate changes caused ny pollution from power plants, manufacturers currently blamed bdy Al Gore types; blamed for a possible 50 feet of snow soon to fall on certain places in the U.S.A.?
She knows but the truth seldom fits the hard left's agenda. Why don't these Al Gore types pick and China, India, and Russia, the biggest polluters in the world?
Good question, Merle. So sad.
I's asking Ms. Bibo to look up facts about the 'little ice age in Europe that started around the 1300's." Wikipedia tells all. Ask what caused this Ice Age? Amd the glaciers that came out of the North and stopped just short of Eureka, Il.? What caused them to stop in Europe and recede? And why these glaciers pulled back just a scant 10,000 years ago??
Were these climate changes caused ny pollution from power plants, manufacturers currently blamed bdy Al Gore types; blamed for a possible 50 feet of snow soon to fall on certain places in the U.S.A.?
She knows but the truth seldom fits the hard left's agenda. Why don't these Al Gore types pick and China, India, and Russia, the biggest polluters in the world?
Good question, Merle. So sad.
Hourly Occurances - How the Media Distorts the News
Jamacian ILLEGAL detained on bus. Then comes the distortion. It shows a Greyhound Bus out on a road. The Greyhound was at a bus loading station not traveling or out on any road. #2. The Border Control has the legal right to interdict any person being sought for evading the law. 3. Media tries to aroue anger by saying woman was here to visit family.who evidentldy live in the Miami area. Why didn't the family go to see her in Jamacia? Didn't have the money? Then move back to Jamacia where I'm sure earnings are much higher than the U.S.A. #4. The media didn't say where she was heading. The Border Contrrol Security knew where she was heading and it about 99% likely she was heading for a Sactuary like New York City, rife with ILLEGALS. Why didn't the media say where she was heading?
She was evading the law. The far-left and 'bleeding' hearts are not concerned about lawbreakers if it can help them open our borders to all, rapist, murderers, con and scam experts. thieves ILLEGALS and criminals of any type.
The reporters writing or tweeting on this event: efortts to evade the law that will become more common, knew. Very easy for them to find out. If they can get in a persons bedroom., they can ask a bus station employee who would be glad to tell them for a 10 or 20. Yes, reporters often pay small and large sums for dirt of any kind.
She was evading the law. The far-left and 'bleeding' hearts are not concerned about lawbreakers if it can help them open our borders to all, rapist, murderers, con and scam experts. thieves ILLEGALS and criminals of any type.
The reporters writing or tweeting on this event: efortts to evade the law that will become more common, knew. Very easy for them to find out. If they can get in a persons bedroom., they can ask a bus station employee who would be glad to tell them for a 10 or 20. Yes, reporters often pay small and large sums for dirt of any kind.
VUZI Stock Jumping Around Like a 'Cat On Steroids'
Might be a great investment. I suggest Caterpillar stock will go to $225 a share before end off year. Remember, though, I have been wrong before.
Russia-FBI Political Probe To Scandalis President Trump and It's Failure Now Public
Biggest Political Scandal of our lifetime and Beyond
Is It Reasonable To Ask a Politician To Commit Political Suicide For the Sake Of Princple?
"The sad truth is that we elect politicians for the specific purpose of taking the property of other Americans and giving it to us. Many manufacturers think that the government owes them a protective tariff to keep out foreign goods, resulting in artificially higher prices for consmers. Many farmers think the government owes them a crop subsidy, which raises the price of food. Organized labor thinks government should protect their jobs from non-uion competition. (Davis-Bacon Act0
And so on. We could even consider many college professors, who love to secure government grants to study poverty and then meet at hotels in Miami during the winter to talk about poor people. All of these----and hundreds of other similair demands on government that I coud cite---represent involuntary exchanges and diminish our freedom."
Spoken by Walter Willians and appearing in the September 2009 issue of the Imprims, a publication of Hillsdale College. Walter Williams was at the time Professor of Economics at George Mason University.
Unfortunately so true today and forever.
( You might want to read my blogs on 'Subsidies' and 'Poverty' and 'Hillsdale University')
When I Was In Business
My best account was State Farm whose headquarters was in Bloomington. I made a couple of trips with the Purchasing Agent of SF to visit plants that manufactured the products I was selling State Farm. One day, in general conversation, Mr. Finn asked where I bought my insurance. Somewhat embarrassed I told him I was not buying SF insurance.
He said no problem and my sales increased with SF. After one of my employees, Bob Humbles, left my company to accept an offer for a SF Agency, I started and still use Bob and SF as my family insurance carrier.
Why bring this up? The hound-dog media is all over Trrump for asking a Government Official who he voted for in the last election. No one but the voter knows who he or anyone voted for in any election. He or any voter could lie or tell the truth and Trump or anybody still wouldn't know.
As my Dad used to say, "Some people don't know their ass from a hole in the ground".
So true of so many 'reporters' reportting the 'news' today.
So sad.
He said no problem and my sales increased with SF. After one of my employees, Bob Humbles, left my company to accept an offer for a SF Agency, I started and still use Bob and SF as my family insurance carrier.
Why bring this up? The hound-dog media is all over Trrump for asking a Government Official who he voted for in the last election. No one but the voter knows who he or anyone voted for in any election. He or any voter could lie or tell the truth and Trump or anybody still wouldn't know.
As my Dad used to say, "Some people don't know their ass from a hole in the ground".
So true of so many 'reporters' reportting the 'news' today.
So sad.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Clare Howard, Editor Of the Community Word (Democrat) Good At Publishing Fake News
The Community Word rag prints more fake news in one month than the Journal Star daily prints in 6 months. Two Republicans (joke, joke) quasi Republican, Ray LaHood, who was part of the 'swamp' in D.C. for so many years and then probably the most unqualified Department of Transportation Obama era Cabinet member in recent history and another quasi Republican, Roger Monroe, can still have his shortened column if he does'nt attack any Democrats.
Radical environmentalist, CW Editor, Clare Howard, hates Republicans and our President with such passion that she allows 'columnists' Sherry Cannon and Kamara Taylor write viscious lies about whites and Trump and the Republicans. I've written about the racism spewed by Cannon before. In this months CW edition, Cannon, who has some role in Elite and is the wife of Elite leader Carl Cannon to my knowledge, wrote, "that she wants to challenge a system here in the United States that builds wealth and power on the backs of the poor, defenseless and weak".
Taylor wrote, " Blacks in this country are encouraged to be amnesia victims, taught to forget the past, to forget that Blacks are beaten and killed by the police for being Blacks, are painted as thugs and animals and black women as welfare queens, considered easy sexually and lazy otherwise".
Editor Clare Howard wrote that "President Donald Trump views gun violence as a Marvel comic scenario with heroic gunplay".Is Editor Howard talking about the daily killing of Blacks by Blacks in Chicago and the frequent Black on Black shootings here in Peoria??
Howard is insanely addicted to causes that would bring this country further down as under Obama did while she supports the absolutely miserable performance of Democrat Mike Madigan, the Democrat controlled Legislature and the Democrat Chicago Mayor who has let his city bccome the 'killing capitol' of the U.S.A.
This newspaper has touted the work of Marxist Eugene Debs, has stretched and faked the truth about every action by whites to stimulate racism of Peoria youth and some Black adults who should know better.
Some of the quotes about some Blacks are true. I will not identify the quotes. CW is basically a "kill the Rich" and train the poor to "eat fish, but don't let any white train them how to catch them".
Worst news rag overall that I have EVER READ. Why do I read the CW? To read it to see how far the radical 'tolerables' have progressed under Trump and we 'intolerables'.
The radicals like most who write for the CW are among the poorest losers in this nation; right here in Peoria where the term "if it plays in being forgotten by these losers.
Common sense Blacks, Whites and the poor have come a long way. But the world will always have radicals living in the past and realizing they have not been part of the progress. As Pogo said, "We has recognized the enemy and the enemy is us".
So sad.
Radical environmentalist, CW Editor, Clare Howard, hates Republicans and our President with such passion that she allows 'columnists' Sherry Cannon and Kamara Taylor write viscious lies about whites and Trump and the Republicans. I've written about the racism spewed by Cannon before. In this months CW edition, Cannon, who has some role in Elite and is the wife of Elite leader Carl Cannon to my knowledge, wrote, "that she wants to challenge a system here in the United States that builds wealth and power on the backs of the poor, defenseless and weak".
Taylor wrote, " Blacks in this country are encouraged to be amnesia victims, taught to forget the past, to forget that Blacks are beaten and killed by the police for being Blacks, are painted as thugs and animals and black women as welfare queens, considered easy sexually and lazy otherwise".
Editor Clare Howard wrote that "President Donald Trump views gun violence as a Marvel comic scenario with heroic gunplay".Is Editor Howard talking about the daily killing of Blacks by Blacks in Chicago and the frequent Black on Black shootings here in Peoria??
Howard is insanely addicted to causes that would bring this country further down as under Obama did while she supports the absolutely miserable performance of Democrat Mike Madigan, the Democrat controlled Legislature and the Democrat Chicago Mayor who has let his city bccome the 'killing capitol' of the U.S.A.
This newspaper has touted the work of Marxist Eugene Debs, has stretched and faked the truth about every action by whites to stimulate racism of Peoria youth and some Black adults who should know better.
Some of the quotes about some Blacks are true. I will not identify the quotes. CW is basically a "kill the Rich" and train the poor to "eat fish, but don't let any white train them how to catch them".
Worst news rag overall that I have EVER READ. Why do I read the CW? To read it to see how far the radical 'tolerables' have progressed under Trump and we 'intolerables'.
The radicals like most who write for the CW are among the poorest losers in this nation; right here in Peoria where the term "if it plays in being forgotten by these losers.
Common sense Blacks, Whites and the poor have come a long way. But the world will always have radicals living in the past and realizing they have not been part of the progress. As Pogo said, "We has recognized the enemy and the enemy is us".
So sad.
Illegal Immigrant Driving For Uber, Rapes Four Women
And 'tolerables' out there think Trump is mis-handling the ILLEGAL HUGE problem.
Monday, January 22, 2018
The 'Right' People Don't Run For Office
Why not? Give you a clue. Read and listen to he medias how they tear up anyone who doesn't agree with them or they don't like, into tiny pieces. Or has made a mistake short of a felony in their past lives.
Why did I run for office? I would not have if I hadn't been asked. I made my career but felt I should continue to be an asset in my retirement. I did at a huge cost to my assets, my 'friends', amid attacks on my character without ever being interview to get the 'REST OF THE STORY'.
Yes, I was arrested on a staged misdeamor charge and Jim and Jerry Stowell made sure it made the news big time.. The Judge did not agree with the weak case the Prosecutor presented and refused to act on the charge. The arrest is set to be removed frrom my records by March of this year.
If I hadn't been elected, I would have been no news to the medias or my friends.
So there you have it. Why the best qualified people do not run for office.
Impasse On the Spending Bill Is Over - All Governmentall Bodies Will Be Open This Eve
At least untill early next month. Not a soul in government is happy as they try to please all their constituents. The public sector is not happy either like a child who didn't get their way. Then they grow up and attitudes seldom change. Under no circumstance will the government always please the public. And the public shows their displeasure by protests, usually without all the facts settled into their brains, through apathy or laziness, or 'my vote don't count anyway'.
So they complain, again, usually without the facts, yet they don't vote.
Isn't this a great country?
So they complain, again, usually without the facts, yet they don't vote.
Isn't this a great country?
Lot's of Confusion In the White House In Trump's First Year In Office
Deep down, he didn't really think he would be President. He had held no political office, was known as a 'wheeler-dealer' in the business world. He entered television on the basis of 'do it my way or the highway'. He entered government the same way.
Goverment doesn't work work like business. Voters are one huge difference. Different viewpoints by members of different partties, checks and balances, polical pressure, political correctness, committees, the opinions of the news mediass,
Ok, enough has been written, tweeted, or said about all the mistakes he has made. But he is slowly getting the picture of how government works. Government is slow, difusing, confusing, sometmes corrupt, 'you rub my back, 'I'll rub yours'; with lot's of members of the 'good old boys and girls club'
Trump has a big ego. His faults would fill a page or two. But the choice?? I made the right one even though I differ with our President on many issues.
The voters had two choices at the end of the campaigns. They chose him through the Electoral College. This system has been the law for decades and should not be changed. If anything should be changed it is the voting districts: many efforts have been made to make it a more fair system but neither party, when in majority, wish to re-district..
However, with all his faults, he has made this country relatively safe from organized terrorist. he picked a fair and Conservative Supreme Court Justice whose vote last week corrected an Obama failure. He has enacted a new tax bill that does not please everyone but he got a more fair tax bill passed. He has caused an awareness of how this country was "sugar daddy' to the world in general and is taking steps to even up the sugar; I could go on an on, but be more patient, protest and elect people who will protect this country and the Constitution and who do NOT MAKE EVERY DECISION BASED ON THEIR BEING RE-ELECTED.
Make your opinions known on FACTS not fake news so prevelant in most of our medias, and taught in lower and higher education today.
President Trump wishes to show a cruel world the the U.S.A. will not turn the other cheek when assualted by verbiage or action. He does not seek conflict but he want's this country to be prepared when other do seek conflict.
Goverment doesn't work work like business. Voters are one huge difference. Different viewpoints by members of different partties, checks and balances, polical pressure, political correctness, committees, the opinions of the news mediass,
Ok, enough has been written, tweeted, or said about all the mistakes he has made. But he is slowly getting the picture of how government works. Government is slow, difusing, confusing, sometmes corrupt, 'you rub my back, 'I'll rub yours'; with lot's of members of the 'good old boys and girls club'
Trump has a big ego. His faults would fill a page or two. But the choice?? I made the right one even though I differ with our President on many issues.
The voters had two choices at the end of the campaigns. They chose him through the Electoral College. This system has been the law for decades and should not be changed. If anything should be changed it is the voting districts: many efforts have been made to make it a more fair system but neither party, when in majority, wish to re-district..
However, with all his faults, he has made this country relatively safe from organized terrorist. he picked a fair and Conservative Supreme Court Justice whose vote last week corrected an Obama failure. He has enacted a new tax bill that does not please everyone but he got a more fair tax bill passed. He has caused an awareness of how this country was "sugar daddy' to the world in general and is taking steps to even up the sugar; I could go on an on, but be more patient, protest and elect people who will protect this country and the Constitution and who do NOT MAKE EVERY DECISION BASED ON THEIR BEING RE-ELECTED.
Make your opinions known on FACTS not fake news so prevelant in most of our medias, and taught in lower and higher education today.
President Trump wishes to show a cruel world the the U.S.A. will not turn the other cheek when assualted by verbiage or action. He does not seek conflict but he want's this country to be prepared when other do seek conflict.
Bill Macy :'It's Hard To Be a Man These Days'
Mr. Macy, you are so correct. I pointed this out on this site a year or so ago. Of course, all common sense men agree that NO WOMAN SHOULD BE RAPED. We do not believe that ALL women who claim to have been raped are telling the 'whole truth and nothing but the truth'.
We do not believe anyone should be discriminated because of race or gender. The Constitution was written for everyone to have an equal opportunity. Even so there are limits. For example, a coach cannot let everyone on the team that 'try's out.. Same is true in all of life sectors where only so many can be on any type of team, sports, business,etc
We respect a woman's right to their body. We know there are louts who need to be put in their place at the moment of the happening. We also know that some women use their femininity to get things they desire. That is up to them but they should not claim sexual harassment weeks or years later. If their objections at the time lead to their losing their jobs; then there are the courts and other jobs.
Has there been mis-justice? Yes, the mis-carriage of justice has been seen in our courts and in law enforcement. But less than in the past and nowhere near what women, and some men, experience in some other major parts of the world
We believe in women's rights, we want the death penalty for anyone who sexually assaults anyone resulting in death, should be given life or a death sentence. While we believe in equality, we do not believe all women are equal to another nor equal to all men. That is why we have men and women sports, no woman plays professional football and no boy or man should play on a girls, say, basketball team, and vice versa. There are many cases in sports using mixed doubles in tennis where both or all genders play as a team. That's why acting jobs go to anyone of gender, race or beliefs. But like all life, not everyone fits the need of the director. Or whoever is in charge.
In business, most all businesses give women equal opportunity but skills and merit must enter in or we will become socialists. If the goal set by the organization and.or the union, is to 'turn out 10 widgets a day' and some of any gender turn out ten or 12 widgets a day while some can only turn out 5 or 6 a day, merit and skills should determine PAY and who gets and holds the position.
Same is true in Hollywood or New York. Or wherever.
In sports, like life, we believe no woman or man should be given a job based strictly on the basis of race or gender.. In sports, usually at a very young age, teams or indiviuals (use figure skating as an example) are selected by the skills or skills needed.
Women of all colors have come a very LONG WAY. To look back is important, but to look FORWARD should be one's goal in life. We agree no woman (or man) should be 'hit on' without permission. But common sense says there are many ways to repond, politily. then, if they do not get your message, then up the tempo with last resort the press and the courtroom.
Looking back TOO much causes confusion and as Mr. Macy says, " it appears ALL men are under attack" by a sometimes militant group.
Protesting is always good. In my blogs, I often protest. We should just not be 'carried away'.
So good in many ways but so sad in other ways.
We do not believe anyone should be discriminated because of race or gender. The Constitution was written for everyone to have an equal opportunity. Even so there are limits. For example, a coach cannot let everyone on the team that 'try's out.. Same is true in all of life sectors where only so many can be on any type of team, sports, business,etc
We respect a woman's right to their body. We know there are louts who need to be put in their place at the moment of the happening. We also know that some women use their femininity to get things they desire. That is up to them but they should not claim sexual harassment weeks or years later. If their objections at the time lead to their losing their jobs; then there are the courts and other jobs.
Has there been mis-justice? Yes, the mis-carriage of justice has been seen in our courts and in law enforcement. But less than in the past and nowhere near what women, and some men, experience in some other major parts of the world
We believe in women's rights, we want the death penalty for anyone who sexually assaults anyone resulting in death, should be given life or a death sentence. While we believe in equality, we do not believe all women are equal to another nor equal to all men. That is why we have men and women sports, no woman plays professional football and no boy or man should play on a girls, say, basketball team, and vice versa. There are many cases in sports using mixed doubles in tennis where both or all genders play as a team. That's why acting jobs go to anyone of gender, race or beliefs. But like all life, not everyone fits the need of the director. Or whoever is in charge.
In business, most all businesses give women equal opportunity but skills and merit must enter in or we will become socialists. If the goal set by the organization and.or the union, is to 'turn out 10 widgets a day' and some of any gender turn out ten or 12 widgets a day while some can only turn out 5 or 6 a day, merit and skills should determine PAY and who gets and holds the position.
Same is true in Hollywood or New York. Or wherever.
In sports, like life, we believe no woman or man should be given a job based strictly on the basis of race or gender.. In sports, usually at a very young age, teams or indiviuals (use figure skating as an example) are selected by the skills or skills needed.
Women of all colors have come a very LONG WAY. To look back is important, but to look FORWARD should be one's goal in life. We agree no woman (or man) should be 'hit on' without permission. But common sense says there are many ways to repond, politily. then, if they do not get your message, then up the tempo with last resort the press and the courtroom.
Looking back TOO much causes confusion and as Mr. Macy says, " it appears ALL men are under attack" by a sometimes militant group.
Protesting is always good. In my blogs, I often protest. We should just not be 'carried away'.
So good in many ways but so sad in other ways.
To My New Readers - Suggestions to Read
In 2005 my blogs influenced the 6-5 vote against the City's purchase of Illinois American Water Company. One of the Coiuncil Members told me after the meeting, that it was the information he read on my blogs that caused him to cast the tie breaking 6th NO vote. You can also find my reasons for the County to get out of the Nursing home business, Instead, the Peoria County owned Heddiigton Oaks runs a deficit soon to reach low 7 figures.
Also, why my opposition to the Riverfront Museum (RFM), facts about The RiverPlex, ect., by entering a subject in the upper left hand corner. Since titles are different on the same subject, you may need to try several different words like 'zoo, PPD Zoo, Peoria Park District, Peoria Public School District #150,Gun Conrtol, etc.
My full blog sitename is http;//
If you scroll down my side bar you will find my first blog entered August 2004 This is NOT a politically correct blog.
Thanks,. again..
(Any comments appreciated as long as they are civil. Anonymous comments are seldom published).
Also, why my opposition to the Riverfront Museum (RFM), facts about The RiverPlex, ect., by entering a subject in the upper left hand corner. Since titles are different on the same subject, you may need to try several different words like 'zoo, PPD Zoo, Peoria Park District, Peoria Public School District #150,Gun Conrtol, etc.
My full blog sitename is http;//
If you scroll down my side bar you will find my first blog entered August 2004 This is NOT a politically correct blog.
Thanks,. again..
(Any comments appreciated as long as they are civil. Anonymous comments are seldom published).
Friday, January 19, 2018
Kroger Closings?
Should have seen it coming. Former customers doing more shopping online, at Target and Aldis No such thing as a Mom and Pop store anymore. A big change came and wiped them all out. Maybe an Aldis of a Save a Lot will enter with guaranteed financing by the City.
Financied by the City? Sure, remember the one they helped finance on far South Adams, Lasted a year of so. Remember City financied Cub Store on Knoxvill still sitting vacant?
And now some want to gamble on buying the water company when most of us are satisfied with American Water Company. We don't trust the City as we ride it's disastrous roadways they don't have the money to really rebuild. Keep filling in those potholes that don't take away the bumpy roller coaster rides. And the City would have to borrow all the money; about $200 million to buy the waterr compamy and 30 year interest payments on the loan.
Financied by the City? Sure, remember the one they helped finance on far South Adams, Lasted a year of so. Remember City financied Cub Store on Knoxvill still sitting vacant?
And now some want to gamble on buying the water company when most of us are satisfied with American Water Company. We don't trust the City as we ride it's disastrous roadways they don't have the money to really rebuild. Keep filling in those potholes that don't take away the bumpy roller coaster rides. And the City would have to borrow all the money; about $200 million to buy the waterr compamy and 30 year interest payments on the loan.
Democrats and a Few Republicans Block Spending Bill
Ok, shutdown the Government. Most of us will survive for a couple of months. More time for readers to read my factual blogs.
Water Logged (4) March 25, 2005
Water Logged #5
Note the date of this blog.
Since the subject is coming shortly before the City Council, I invite those interested to read my successful efforts in 2005 or 13 years ago. I studied the arguments from various sides and again came up with the same conclusion I did 13 years ago. Much of the information in the news today, comes from wealthy people who would benefit if the distribution of the nationally owned water in Peoria was removed from the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission and would move to a small group of people controlled by the City Council but influenced by many of the same people who are suing the City of Peoria for around 1 3/4 million. This group appears to led by Rita Kress, a wealthy landowner from Brimfield and Dianne Oberhelman, also the wealthy husband of Doug Oberhelman, former CEO of Caterpillar. The Oberhelmans and Mrs. Kress are reputed to own large chuncks of farmland which they would like to convert to housing. Problem is that American Water Company has shown little interest in running water to these sites. If the City of Peoria, now out of the jiurisdicion of the Illinois Commerce Commission, and now was the water company and knowing some members of this council, this sprawl of Peoria building further out would most likely continue.
One misleading statement printed at least twice in local media, claims that 83% of communities own their own water companies. This a necessity for small communities who find no buyer as they are too small for a buyer to make a profit. Small communities make up the vast majority of communities across the nation,
Here is a headline that appeared in the JS on March 6, 2005, right before the Council voted 6-5 NOT to buyout the water company. The headline read, "Buyout May Require Rate Hike". The author of the article was the City Manager of Peoria reading, "It would take about a 3% ANNUAL increase in water charged to area consumers to sustain the cost of the City to buy the water company".
To my knowledge two of the leading members of PAAG, do not live in the City. It is also known that Bud Grieves former Mayor of Peroria who does not live in even Peoria County to my knowledge, is a strong supporter of the buyout.
To get the names of the wealthy people of this area who have been suing the City of Peoria for around $2 million the city doesn't have, read my old blogs found mostly under the titles 'Water Logged' or water related headings. About 10 blogs in all.
(All of the aproximately 3500 blogs and posts are available by typing in what you are searching for in the 'search bar' slot in the upper left hand corner of any blog).
Oppose a referendum; referendums cost taxpayer dollars, until all facts are in. The last one showed 83% of the voters OPPOSED the buyout.. They felt that the City had it's hands full without owning a water company as show by the Peoria County's disastrous ownership of Heddington Oaks. Riding our infrastructure is little short of disastrous. My estimate to bring the infrastructure up to 75% of normal would cost in the neighborhood of $1 billion. Buying the water company with borrowed money could send this County into eventual bankruptcy.
Projections are anybody's guess, No projection of any major project usingg public dollars has met their projection since RT. 74 divided the City.
The wealthy want another due diligence study similair to the 2005 one they have been being suing the City for the past 12 years. I undestand a decision by a Judge will finally be made. Decisons can be appealed, etc., etc.
All info on this page is attrbuted to Merle Widmer Founder of Widmer Offices and 10 year County Board member. Now back to my blog of 2005.
Last night, I attended the LWV and Peoria Chamber of Commerce sponsored forum which allowed a dialogue with audience involvement of the proposed city buyout of the Illinois-American Water Company. The pro buy side was represented by PAAG representatives Sandra Birdsall and Terry Kohlbus. Illinois- American was represented by their president and two other officers of the company, all from the United States. Throughout the meeting questions tailored for city officials to answer were not asked because there was no one in the audience to answer these questions. The JS said today that Jim Ardis and Gary Sandburg were there, but evidently not during the question and answer period. Jim Ardis , Patrick Nichting and Bill Spears have spoken in opposition to the buyout oppose the buyout as have city council candidates Barbra Van Auken and Bob Manning. Gary Sandburg and John Morris probably can not state their positions as they are on a special committee to present their finding and recommendations to the full City Council.
Both sides ably presented their positions. There was actually no way to factually prove this proposed purchase might not turn into a large liability to the City of Peoria taxpayers or turn into a cash cow for the city, because figures presented by both sides were often in conflict.
A PAAG representative said it was simple as oil and gas, (probably forgetting they donât mix), saying that across the sea, oil companies owned the oil and gas we buy from them and we donât want âforeignersâ from across the sea, to own our water. Actually, all the water in the United States is owned by the United States and can only be mined and sold by whoever buys the right to do so. Peoriaâs water company, owned by a German firm, could have been bought by any interested company in the United States starting back in the late 18 hundreds. Ownerships of any entity changes hands many times in a lifetime. Water companies are no exception.
As Iâve said before, âforeignâ ownership is welcomed by our governments. Seems to me a lot of financial benefits were given to a Japanese auto maker in Bloomington-Normal; a company Peoria was trying hard to land, offering this âforeignâ company financial incentives if they would locate closer to Peoria. In short, our Economic Development people welcome anyone that wants to locate in the Peoria area and employ people. Probably 20 firms in Peoria have plants or distribution centers in âforeignâ countries. And many âforeignersâ own huge chunks of land in our country so âforeignâ ownership is hardly new in the world.
The price of $220 million will probably grow to $240 million before the buyout is concluded. The City of Peoria has already spent over $2,000,000.00 on this project. It is time to move on to running the core business of citiesâ and ownership of water companies should not be our citiesâ core business. Many cities already own water companies and many wish they didnât but canât find a buyer who wouldnât raise existing rates. Many cities are too small for private businesses to be interested as there would not be enough profit incentives. Many of these cities started out with public ownership, Peoria didnât.
What is wrong with making a good profit? Caterpillar does and the PAAG group that lent the city a million dollars at 9% interest must have made good profits or how could they risk a million dollars? Were they counting on a city council that would give special treatment to their desires? I believe they actually thought they could save money on their water bills forgetting that few public ventures are handled more efficiently than the private sector.
Public entities in Peoria have a poor track record when it comes to making a profit and the most recent public entity to not meet their projections is the RiverPlex, which was projected to make to make $187,953 profit in 2004, instead has lost approximately $6,000.00 a day thru 12/31/04. And many public dollars and other taxpayer paid incentives were given to a new ballpark that has not yet met projections.
The PAAG and their supporters believe city ownership would solve many of the cities financial problems. Most people disagree as I believe the referendum will show.
One reason for the poor turnout last night is that 80% of the people do not want a change in water company ownership, and many also believe that if changes are not made on the city council in this election, their opinions wonât count anyway. So why show up?
If the city does buy out Illinois-American, the city would hire a private profit making company to run the water department. Would it be low bid or by special interest? How much would it cost? Who would handle the advertising and who would stand to benefit from the advertising contract? Too many unanswered questions. A business plan supposedly has been made up. How outdated or updated is it? Would the PAAG and the Mayor make it public for all taxpayers to see?
Are rates in Peoria too high? On 3/8/05, the JS quoted City Manager Randy Oliver as saying, if the city bought the water company, rates would probably go higher. Hmmmm.
Illinois-American pays approximately $300,000.00 in property taxes each year and donates another $100,000.00 to local projects. They are good citizens with us. Letâs keep them!!
Since the subject is coming shortly before the City Council, I invite those interested to read my successful efforts in 2005 or 13 years ago. I studied the arguments from various sides and again came up with the same conclusion I did 13 years ago. Much of the information in the news today, comes from wealthy people who would benefit if the distribution of the nationally owned water in Peoria was removed from the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission and would move to a small group of people controlled by the City Council but influenced by many of the same people who are suing the City of Peoria for around 1 3/4 million. This group appears to led by Rita Kress, a wealthy landowner from Brimfield and Dianne Oberhelman, also the wealthy husband of Doug Oberhelman, former CEO of Caterpillar. The Oberhelmans and Mrs. Kress are reputed to own large chuncks of farmland which they would like to convert to housing. Problem is that American Water Company has shown little interest in running water to these sites. If the City of Peoria, now out of the jiurisdicion of the Illinois Commerce Commission, and now was the water company and knowing some members of this council, this sprawl of Peoria building further out would most likely continue.
One misleading statement printed at least twice in local media, claims that 83% of communities own their own water companies. This a necessity for small communities who find no buyer as they are too small for a buyer to make a profit. Small communities make up the vast majority of communities across the nation,
Here is a headline that appeared in the JS on March 6, 2005, right before the Council voted 6-5 NOT to buyout the water company. The headline read, "Buyout May Require Rate Hike". The author of the article was the City Manager of Peoria reading, "It would take about a 3% ANNUAL increase in water charged to area consumers to sustain the cost of the City to buy the water company".
To my knowledge two of the leading members of PAAG, do not live in the City. It is also known that Bud Grieves former Mayor of Peroria who does not live in even Peoria County to my knowledge, is a strong supporter of the buyout.
To get the names of the wealthy people of this area who have been suing the City of Peoria for around $2 million the city doesn't have, read my old blogs found mostly under the titles 'Water Logged' or water related headings. About 10 blogs in all.
(All of the aproximately 3500 blogs and posts are available by typing in what you are searching for in the 'search bar' slot in the upper left hand corner of any blog).
Oppose a referendum; referendums cost taxpayer dollars, until all facts are in. The last one showed 83% of the voters OPPOSED the buyout.. They felt that the City had it's hands full without owning a water company as show by the Peoria County's disastrous ownership of Heddington Oaks. Riding our infrastructure is little short of disastrous. My estimate to bring the infrastructure up to 75% of normal would cost in the neighborhood of $1 billion. Buying the water company with borrowed money could send this County into eventual bankruptcy.
Projections are anybody's guess, No projection of any major project usingg public dollars has met their projection since RT. 74 divided the City.
The wealthy want another due diligence study similair to the 2005 one they have been being suing the City for the past 12 years. I undestand a decision by a Judge will finally be made. Decisons can be appealed, etc., etc.
All info on this page is attrbuted to Merle Widmer Founder of Widmer Offices and 10 year County Board member. Now back to my blog of 2005.
Last night, I attended the LWV and Peoria Chamber of Commerce sponsored forum which allowed a dialogue with audience involvement of the proposed city buyout of the Illinois-American Water Company. The pro buy side was represented by PAAG representatives Sandra Birdsall and Terry Kohlbus. Illinois- American was represented by their president and two other officers of the company, all from the United States. Throughout the meeting questions tailored for city officials to answer were not asked because there was no one in the audience to answer these questions. The JS said today that Jim Ardis and Gary Sandburg were there, but evidently not during the question and answer period. Jim Ardis , Patrick Nichting and Bill Spears have spoken in opposition to the buyout oppose the buyout as have city council candidates Barbra Van Auken and Bob Manning. Gary Sandburg and John Morris probably can not state their positions as they are on a special committee to present their finding and recommendations to the full City Council.
Both sides ably presented their positions. There was actually no way to factually prove this proposed purchase might not turn into a large liability to the City of Peoria taxpayers or turn into a cash cow for the city, because figures presented by both sides were often in conflict.
A PAAG representative said it was simple as oil and gas, (probably forgetting they donât mix), saying that across the sea, oil companies owned the oil and gas we buy from them and we donât want âforeignersâ from across the sea, to own our water. Actually, all the water in the United States is owned by the United States and can only be mined and sold by whoever buys the right to do so. Peoriaâs water company, owned by a German firm, could have been bought by any interested company in the United States starting back in the late 18 hundreds. Ownerships of any entity changes hands many times in a lifetime. Water companies are no exception.
As Iâve said before, âforeignâ ownership is welcomed by our governments. Seems to me a lot of financial benefits were given to a Japanese auto maker in Bloomington-Normal; a company Peoria was trying hard to land, offering this âforeignâ company financial incentives if they would locate closer to Peoria. In short, our Economic Development people welcome anyone that wants to locate in the Peoria area and employ people. Probably 20 firms in Peoria have plants or distribution centers in âforeignâ countries. And many âforeignersâ own huge chunks of land in our country so âforeignâ ownership is hardly new in the world.
The price of $220 million will probably grow to $240 million before the buyout is concluded. The City of Peoria has already spent over $2,000,000.00 on this project. It is time to move on to running the core business of citiesâ and ownership of water companies should not be our citiesâ core business. Many cities already own water companies and many wish they didnât but canât find a buyer who wouldnât raise existing rates. Many cities are too small for private businesses to be interested as there would not be enough profit incentives. Many of these cities started out with public ownership, Peoria didnât.
What is wrong with making a good profit? Caterpillar does and the PAAG group that lent the city a million dollars at 9% interest must have made good profits or how could they risk a million dollars? Were they counting on a city council that would give special treatment to their desires? I believe they actually thought they could save money on their water bills forgetting that few public ventures are handled more efficiently than the private sector.
Public entities in Peoria have a poor track record when it comes to making a profit and the most recent public entity to not meet their projections is the RiverPlex, which was projected to make to make $187,953 profit in 2004, instead has lost approximately $6,000.00 a day thru 12/31/04. And many public dollars and other taxpayer paid incentives were given to a new ballpark that has not yet met projections.
The PAAG and their supporters believe city ownership would solve many of the cities financial problems. Most people disagree as I believe the referendum will show.
One reason for the poor turnout last night is that 80% of the people do not want a change in water company ownership, and many also believe that if changes are not made on the city council in this election, their opinions wonât count anyway. So why show up?
If the city does buy out Illinois-American, the city would hire a private profit making company to run the water department. Would it be low bid or by special interest? How much would it cost? Who would handle the advertising and who would stand to benefit from the advertising contract? Too many unanswered questions. A business plan supposedly has been made up. How outdated or updated is it? Would the PAAG and the Mayor make it public for all taxpayers to see?
Are rates in Peoria too high? On 3/8/05, the JS quoted City Manager Randy Oliver as saying, if the city bought the water company, rates would probably go higher. Hmmmm.
Illinois-American pays approximately $300,000.00 in property taxes each year and donates another $100,000.00 to local projects. They are good citizens with us. Letâs keep them!!
Water Logged #5
Last night, I attended the LWV and Peoria Chamber of Commerce sponsored forum which allowed a dialogue with audience involvement of the proposed city buyout of the Illinois-American Water Company. The pro buy side was represented by PAAG representatives Sandra Birdsall and Terry Kohlbus. Illinois- American was represented by their president and two other officers of the company
On Vulgarity - Peoria's Public Libraries Biggest Movers Are Romance Books
Many contain extreme vulgarity and every type of sex act described in most intimate detail .I started to say that in one of my blogs but left out what I meant to say. Now I can't find the blog.Also mis-pelled Bardot and called her last name Bardow by error.
She is one of the few beautiful ex-Hollywood actresses who added some common sense to the 'ME' movement.
These descriptive Romance books are available to all, young old and older.
Spell Check still not working. Sorry
She is one of the few beautiful ex-Hollywood actresses who added some common sense to the 'ME' movement.
These descriptive Romance books are available to all, young old and older.
Spell Check still not working. Sorry
Saudis Now Allow Women To Watch Soccer Games
A Thought for Peoria City, County and Park District for 2018
'Public assistance is often required; however, overreach is often the result'. Think Cub Foods, the Pere, Heddington Oaks, PRFM Building and bond payments, (debt owned by the taxpayer) Down Town Tech Center, Reputed $11 million for the relocation of Big Als,etc.
Unemployment Lowest in 45 Years Under Trump Administration
Should be a news headline. Would be a headline on the front page of JS if it were a Democrat Administration.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
My Audience - After the U.S.A., ; France
Russia has dropped out after they found out I wasn't of spy grade material. Because I keep trying to present facts and my readership is growing, I may run an ad in the JS in the near future..
I printed a boo-boo when I said most of the terrorists are here illegally. I was wrong. 73% are here LEGALLY because of our failed visa system.
Hope Donald and Company can get this entry mess straightened out and send all those who overstayed their permits and disappeared who oncc found will be given a proper escort out of this country.
I printed a boo-boo when I said most of the terrorists are here illegally. I was wrong. 73% are here LEGALLY because of our failed visa system.
Hope Donald and Company can get this entry mess straightened out and send all those who overstayed their permits and disappeared who oncc found will be given a proper escort out of this country.
'Expert' Says Hillary Could Still Become President
Probably so, People of color tend to have 2-3 times births than those who entered this country legally once the first immigration registration law was passed in 1883. I'll look it up but believe I am close to the date wnen immigrants had to enter this country legally.
And 90% of them vote Democrat.
But what about poor Bernie or 'Smoky Joe'? Or Oprah?
Socialist bent Hollywood would love to have her. We used to say, 'Hooray for Hollywood'. Is the new dictionarry of wotds or phrases we can't use, out yet? Hope it says that blacks can't say 'mo--------er any more. I never did like to be called that name.
And 90% of them vote Democrat.
But what about poor Bernie or 'Smoky Joe'? Or Oprah?
Socialist bent Hollywood would love to have her. We used to say, 'Hooray for Hollywood'. Is the new dictionarry of wotds or phrases we can't use, out yet? Hope it says that blacks can't say 'mo--------er any more. I never did like to be called that name.
Hey, Jorge, You Became a Criminal the Day You Snuck Illegally Into This Country
You sure have been able to put one over on this nation of wimps. Here you are, illegally in this country for decades, while you could have returned to your roots in 2009 if Obama had any balls. I compare you with many of the women crying rape or all types of sexual harrassment, some true but late in accusing. While the accused men are mostly defenseless, you, Jorge, a proven criminal have been free of any critisism, arrest or deportation, while defended by the 'bleeding hearts'. who twice elected a man bent on selling and sometimes, forcing he and his wife's culture on this country
Yes, Jorge isn't this a great country? Did you drop a thank you note to Barack when he retired? I did,.I thanked him for retiring while wishing he had retired earlier.
You should have aent him a note and a bouquet. But, Jorge, I still have balls, though old, President Trump and I want you out of this country until you can enter legally. Take your family with you. Lot's of jobs in thecountry of your birthand roots. And your family probably have a lot of your relatives to take you all in just like we do in the good old U.S.A.
Yes, Jorge isn't this a great country? Did you drop a thank you note to Barack when he retired? I did,.I thanked him for retiring while wishing he had retired earlier.
You should have aent him a note and a bouquet. But, Jorge, I still have balls, though old, President Trump and I want you out of this country until you can enter legally. Take your family with you. Lot's of jobs in thecountry of your birthand roots. And your family probably have a lot of your relatives to take you all in just like we do in the good old U.S.A.
The Killing Fields of the U.S.A.
161,000 of our people died in preventable accidents last year. One killed every minute. One injured every second.
40,000 killed by vehicle. Of these 40,000, more than 50% were alcohol related.
38,000 killed by overdosing.
When ONE member of our armed services gets killed, it's cause to blame President Trump for it happening and then blame him again for not calling at once and to offer his condolwences.
Some people make me sick. We are a nation of complainers, drunks, drug users, perpetual speeders, illegals, and terrorist most of who are legal immigrants.
We are addicted to every type of seeing, sending and listening devicee and we are just getting started.
New Jersey lawmakers have susposedly passsed a law making it illegal to navigate a drone while drunk. Drones are now in hands of the mentally ill and terrorists.
In future years, added to the above deaths and injuries, will be those caused by drones. Suggest all of those who make me sick, install plate glass windows with steel bars.
I know I shouldn't print this. This nation's biggest concern is 'sexual harrassmen. Now, all the 'ME' people are hating Brigette Bardot. Hey, Brigette, I still love you.
40,000 killed by vehicle. Of these 40,000, more than 50% were alcohol related.
38,000 killed by overdosing.
When ONE member of our armed services gets killed, it's cause to blame President Trump for it happening and then blame him again for not calling at once and to offer his condolwences.
Some people make me sick. We are a nation of complainers, drunks, drug users, perpetual speeders, illegals, and terrorist most of who are legal immigrants.
We are addicted to every type of seeing, sending and listening devicee and we are just getting started.
New Jersey lawmakers have susposedly passsed a law making it illegal to navigate a drone while drunk. Drones are now in hands of the mentally ill and terrorists.
In future years, added to the above deaths and injuries, will be those caused by drones. Suggest all of those who make me sick, install plate glass windows with steel bars.
I know I shouldn't print this. This nation's biggest concern is 'sexual harrassmen. Now, all the 'ME' people are hating Brigette Bardot. Hey, Brigette, I still love you.
Trump's Low Global Approval? Easy To Explain
He's taking away the 'goodies' they have been stealing from the U.S.A. Taxpayers 'Cookie Jar'.
No one likes it when a lot of their 'goodies' are taken back. Also explains the militant black leaders sckretcthing and their white socialistic white ilk backers.
No one likes it when a lot of their 'goodies' are taken back. Also explains the militant black leaders sckretcthing and their white socialistic white ilk backers.
Ban All Nudity Posted 12/12/2004
Ban All Nudity??
So the Republican Governor of Vermont objects to a table lamp featuring a replica of âThe Greek Slaveâ â a chained nude female crafted by a Vermont artist in 1843 that became an icon of the abolitionist movement before the Civil War. An aide to the Governor said âthe governor does not object to the art but how do you explain to a third grade why there is a nude Greek Slave on the governorâs deskâ.
This brings me to a conversation I had with a friend recently. This man was all excited to tell me there was a move underway in Peoria to get people to sign petitions banning nudity in Peoria. I asked him where it was going to be banned. In the bedroom? On the street? In the Civic Center? Exactly where? He said âyou know where I meanâ. I said no I donât and that caused the subject to change.
Now I donât want people walking around the mall naked. I see enough near nakedness there anyway, and though I respect the rights of all women, I believe most people should keep their clothes on in public. Iâve spent too much time on the beaches in Florida turning my head so that I canât see those overweight people wearing what look like jock straps and thongs.
I suspect that nearly all children by the third grade have seen more anatomy than someone with a fundamentalist approach to life, would prefer. Very little is left to imagination even in advertising, television, computer, comic books, museums, art galleries or you name it.
If we wish to turn this country into a group of people who are ashamed of how the human body looks without clothes, I suggest we have much in common with men who keep women in subjugation and some of you might be more comfortable in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Donât count on me as one of you. The Saudiâs wonât even let women athletes compete in shorts or a swim suit. In fact, I donât believe they can even wear dresses in public. Donât they wear Burkas (probably misspelled and I really donât care if it is!) or some sort of total body cover-up? Boy those men must sure be jealous!!
Anyway I am not a âhow you look policemanâ. I people wish to embarrass themselves in public, why, hey, this is supposed to be a free country, isnât it?
Anyway back to the governor. I suggest he cloth the slave woman in a bikini and everyone including the children will be more comfortable or does the governor think the kids donât go near men and women swimming or competing in ballet and other near nudity activities? Then maybe one of these third graders will ask âdid they wear bikinis and thongs while they were slaves? That might be a harder question to answer!!
For all those people pushing their beliefs and values on the rest of us I say look after yourself and your clan and your ilk. No one has to look at nudity and as far as most of us are concerned, they can cover their bodies they way they want. I guess I donât blame some of the leadership of the âban nudityâ sponsorship; I sure donât want to see some of them naked!! I have always believed that it wasnât nakedness that causes a rise in men and womenâs testosterone, but they way some people dress and act.
However; I see beauty in all of creation.
Speaking of beauty, the Poinsettia from Hoerrâs this year were as beautiful as last year. Thanks to all the people who bought them from me. I raised approximately $450.00 for the Optimist Club, 100% of the money will go to youth groups and we can only hope it will be well spent.
This brings me to a conversation I had with a friend recently. This man was all excited to tell me there was a move underway in Peoria to get people to sign petitions banning nudity in Peoria. I asked him where it was going to be banned. In the bedroom? On the street? In the Civic Center? Exactly where? He said âyou know where I meanâ. I said no I donât and that caused the subject to change.
Now I donât want people walking around the mall naked. I see enough near nakedness there anyway, and though I respect the rights of all women, I believe most people should keep their clothes on in public. Iâve spent too much time on the beaches in Florida turning my head so that I canât see those overweight people wearing what look like jock straps and thongs.
I suspect that nearly all children by the third grade have seen more anatomy than someone with a fundamentalist approach to life, would prefer. Very little is left to imagination even in advertising, television, computer, comic books, museums, art galleries or you name it.
If we wish to turn this country into a group of people who are ashamed of how the human body looks without clothes, I suggest we have much in common with men who keep women in subjugation and some of you might be more comfortable in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Donât count on me as one of you. The Saudiâs wonât even let women athletes compete in shorts or a swim suit. In fact, I donât believe they can even wear dresses in public. Donât they wear Burkas (probably misspelled and I really donât care if it is!) or some sort of total body cover-up? Boy those men must sure be jealous!!
Anyway I am not a âhow you look policemanâ. I people wish to embarrass themselves in public, why, hey, this is supposed to be a free country, isnât it?
Anyway back to the governor. I suggest he cloth the slave woman in a bikini and everyone including the children will be more comfortable or does the governor think the kids donât go near men and women swimming or competing in ballet and other near nudity activities? Then maybe one of these third graders will ask âdid they wear bikinis and thongs while they were slaves? That might be a harder question to answer!!
For all those people pushing their beliefs and values on the rest of us I say look after yourself and your clan and your ilk. No one has to look at nudity and as far as most of us are concerned, they can cover their bodies they way they want. I guess I donât blame some of the leadership of the âban nudityâ sponsorship; I sure donât want to see some of them naked!! I have always believed that it wasnât nakedness that causes a rise in men and womenâs testosterone, but they way some people dress and act.
However; I see beauty in all of creation.
Speaking of beauty, the Poinsettia from Hoerrâs this year were as beautiful as last year. Thanks to all the people who bought them from me. I raised approximately $450.00 for the Optimist Club, 100% of the money will go to youth groups and we can only hope it will be well spent.
Election Referendum Revisited Again!! If you scroll my archives you will find this topic. I wrote about this referendum to bring the City Election Commission into the County where by law it should be. If you recall, hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars would have been saved every year. However, the company selling the City Election Commission their supplies and maintenance donated $2500 dollars to the campaign and City Election employees donated many more thousands in advertising to mislead and confuse the issue and in turn, confuse the voter. Also, if you recall, th
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Heart Problems. President Trump? No Big Problem - I'm 92 - Read On
Darin LaHood, pass this message on to the President. Thank you, Darin, and I support your efforts to make 'America Great Again'.
On December 27, 2004, I underwent a triple-bypass. In October, 2005, I traveled to Palm Desert, CA. to compete in a Senior Tennis Tournament. I was 79 years old. I won my first singles match in three sets ending about 4:00 P.M. At 9;00 A.M., the next morning, I was on the court to play my second round of singles. I lost my first set, led 5-3 in the second set and retired because I was to play doubles at 2;P.M. We lost 6-4, 6-4 largely because I 'ran out of gas, Three sets in 24 hours. In 2005, I won the local Tri-County doubles and repeated that in 2010.
I played and won my last match in Florida at the age of 90. I did not stop playing because of fear of heartt failure but because my heart arthymia of 30 some years, finally caught up to me. As did my inherited neurapathy. I' m going on 93; have congenital heart failure for 20 some years, I had prostate cancer, bladder camcer twice, (I haven't smoked in over 40 years) and plenty of stress.I still am active, no Depends and no cane.
I select my food carefully but still eat most anything but FAST FOODS. Lay off the Big Macs. If I live to be 100, you can invite me to the WH I'd be honored.
In the meantime listen well to your Doctors.
On December 27, 2004, I underwent a triple-bypass. In October, 2005, I traveled to Palm Desert, CA. to compete in a Senior Tennis Tournament. I was 79 years old. I won my first singles match in three sets ending about 4:00 P.M. At 9;00 A.M., the next morning, I was on the court to play my second round of singles. I lost my first set, led 5-3 in the second set and retired because I was to play doubles at 2;P.M. We lost 6-4, 6-4 largely because I 'ran out of gas, Three sets in 24 hours. In 2005, I won the local Tri-County doubles and repeated that in 2010.
I played and won my last match in Florida at the age of 90. I did not stop playing because of fear of heartt failure but because my heart arthymia of 30 some years, finally caught up to me. As did my inherited neurapathy. I' m going on 93; have congenital heart failure for 20 some years, I had prostate cancer, bladder camcer twice, (I haven't smoked in over 40 years) and plenty of stress.I still am active, no Depends and no cane.
I select my food carefully but still eat most anything but FAST FOODS. Lay off the Big Macs. If I live to be 100, you can invite me to the WH I'd be honored.
In the meantime listen well to your Doctors.
Pere Marquette and Marriott Courtyard Construction (JS, 4/25/12)
The JSEB wrote,."Construction of a new hotel in not lacking in justification. Absent from Peoria's Downtown is the kind of upscale Convention hotel that East Peoria has, for example, in it's Embassy Suites, with business ostensibly being lost because of it. Arguably, such a hotel is needed to protect the cit's enormous investment in the Civic Center over the past three decades. This page is no fan of these taxpayer-provided inducements to the private sector, but the way business is done these days, no new hotel or major renovation of the flagging Pere will likely occur without some public involvement".
Ok, 6 years later the Pere is still 'flagging', the Civic Center is projecteed to lose half a million this year and the taxpayer in the near future is going to be a bunch of sad sack saddled with NEW taxes from every publiic taxing body.
Dreamers and Consults back in June 2002, the City paid a planner $65,000, the Stae of Illinois, paid $65,000, thee Civic Center board pledged $50,000 and the rest of the $250,000 cost.
16 years later we still have some od the same Dreamers and more of consultants and where are we?
Good question, .Answer; stuck and going sidewise and more downhill. The 2002 consultant compared us to Ft. Meyers, Fla. and the dreamers bit.
We are still trying to make 'a silk ourse out of a sows ears'. No offense intended to the sows.
Ok, 6 years later the Pere is still 'flagging', the Civic Center is projecteed to lose half a million this year and the taxpayer in the near future is going to be a bunch of sad sack saddled with NEW taxes from every publiic taxing body.
Dreamers and Consults back in June 2002, the City paid a planner $65,000, the Stae of Illinois, paid $65,000, thee Civic Center board pledged $50,000 and the rest of the $250,000 cost.
16 years later we still have some od the same Dreamers and more of consultants and where are we?
Good question, .Answer; stuck and going sidewise and more downhill. The 2002 consultant compared us to Ft. Meyers, Fla. and the dreamers bit.
We are still trying to make 'a silk ourse out of a sows ears'. No offense intended to the sows.
Retiring, Thank Goodness, Jeff Flake Is am Arizona 'Major 'Nutcase'
His retirement helps clean the 'swamp' in D.C. Thanks, Jeff
Teddy Bear Society
Quotes from Anthony Daniels, a British Physician, 6/6/17 in WSJ. "Another source of comfort for terrrorists is that after every new atrocity, the police are able to arrest multiple accomplices. That suggests that the police knew the attackers' identites in ADVANCE but did nothing - in other words, that most of the time terrorists can act with impunity even if they are known. Here, then, is further evidencee of a society that will not defend itself seriously. THIS IS NOT JUST A BRITISH PROBLEM. The April murder of a policeman on the Champs Elyees in Paris was committeed by a man who had already tried to kill three policeman, who was known to have become fanaticized, and who was found with vicious weapons in his home.
The authorities waited patiently until he struck."
One day this country will say 'thank God for Donald Trump'. My statement.
The authorities waited patiently until he struck."
One day this country will say 'thank God for Donald Trump'. My statement.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Top WH Medical Examiner Said Trump Did 'Exceedingly welll' on His Cognitive Tests - 30 out of 30
Last I knew that is 100%. We 'intolerables' knew that but he was scheuled to take these tests and did so with results disparging to his haters.
Corey Booker - Black Democrat Congressman Slams DHS Secretary
Hey Corey, blacks have come a long way in the last 60 years. U'all should slow down in ruining your and their futures.
DHS; 73% Of Terror Related Barbarians Since 9/11 Were Foreign Born.
Democrats and militant blacks and their ilk, won't believe this fact. "Open the borders to all who want to enter the United States of America", said Hillary and her ilk.
My Boo-boo
SH "Trump Said' countries were Somalia, on the East Coast of Africa, Haiti, in the Carribean area, and El Salvadore in Central America.
Sorry as I mis-identifyed their locations. I caught my own error.
Sorry as I mis-identifyed their locations. I caught my own error.
83% of Democrats Believe Trump's Probably 'NOT' SH Comment Was Racist
According to an MSN poll - plus 10% Republicans. Figures somewhat close to the % of Republicans that didn't vote for Trump.
Facts are not understandable by a lot of people. Majority of books in libraries and book stores best sellers are fiction books.
Trump's popularity on the rise. So close the gov down Friday. Little effect on myself or any of my near families. They run private businesses and will still be mobile. Since about 44% of all adults work for the gov.,and vote mainly Democrat; they will be most affected.
They can write thank you notes to their Demo representatives.
Facts are not understandable by a lot of people. Majority of books in libraries and book stores best sellers are fiction books.
Trump's popularity on the rise. So close the gov down Friday. Little effect on myself or any of my near families. They run private businesses and will still be mobile. Since about 44% of all adults work for the gov.,and vote mainly Democrat; they will be most affected.
They can write thank you notes to their Demo representatives.
Dick Durbin, A 'Swamp' Democrat Senator Should Acccomplish Something.
He learned how to hone his ability to lie with a straight face. Whether Trump actually called some North African countries like Somalia a shit-houses or shit-holes, our President was pretty much on the mark. Why are so many fleeing North Africa and trying to get and getting into Europe and the United States of America?
Ask travel agents how many black 'leaders' people, white people like Durbin are visiting these places while people in certain N. African Countries are actually dying from disease and starvation and drowning while trying to GET OUT? Most of their politcal leadeers are rotten to the core.
Durbin, like all Trump haters, is a member or the Democrat party that had decimated D.C. for 16 out of the past 17 years. He will do or say anything to get in front of the left-wing Socialist leaning mainsstream media and spout his practised venom.
He loves, like all Democrats and militant blacks 'preaching to the choir'.
And try to embarrass Trump who Democrats are finding it harder and harder to do. Because Trump knows he is on the right path to make 'America Great Again'.
Ask travel agents how many black 'leaders' people, white people like Durbin are visiting these places while people in certain N. African Countries are actually dying from disease and starvation and drowning while trying to GET OUT? Most of their politcal leadeers are rotten to the core.
Durbin, like all Trump haters, is a member or the Democrat party that had decimated D.C. for 16 out of the past 17 years. He will do or say anything to get in front of the left-wing Socialist leaning mainsstream media and spout his practised venom.
He loves, like all Democrats and militant blacks 'preaching to the choir'.
And try to embarrass Trump who Democrats are finding it harder and harder to do. Because Trump knows he is on the right path to make 'America Great Again'.
Hate This Country? Get Out
Or try to understand, which they won't, that our President is first, trying to screen out the bad guys while welcoming all good guys who bring needed skills to this country, second, get more people off welfare that are ABLE TO WORK, third, stop the ILLEGAL entries to this country. Fourth, deport illegal criminals.
One thing this country doesn't need, and Trump know it, is more unskilled people here. We have enough unemployed that don't need to work because of the genoristy of our government and certain social groups and churches.
Jorge, who was notifyed by the Obama Administration in 2009 that he was going to be deported. If Obama had not ben such a Socialist, Jorge who have gone back to Mexico volunarily and applied for legal enry. Republicans should not be deeply concerned about the agitators.
These splinter groups haven't voted Republican since the Reconstruction era.
One thing this country doesn't need, and Trump know it, is more unskilled people here. We have enough unemployed that don't need to work because of the genoristy of our government and certain social groups and churches.
Jorge, who was notifyed by the Obama Administration in 2009 that he was going to be deported. If Obama had not ben such a Socialist, Jorge who have gone back to Mexico volunarily and applied for legal enry. Republicans should not be deeply concerned about the agitators.
These splinter groups haven't voted Republican since the Reconstruction era.
MLK - Would He Have Met With Trump? You Bet?
I suspect MLK would be spinning in as grave if he knew what today's set of Socialistic black leaders are doing to the people he loved. There is no Martin Luher King to lead this ethnic group upwards today. These leaders' are a sorry bunch including the whites who are also Socialists.
Most all who claim MLK would NOT have met with Trump are a really sorry bunch of losers.
So sad. Fortunately, there are many blacks who are making strident movement forward.
Most all who claim MLK would NOT have met with Trump are a really sorry bunch of losers.
So sad. Fortunately, there are many blacks who are making strident movement forward.
Message To Jorge
When first ordered to be deported because you entered this country illegally, you should have then, not 9 years later, returned to Mexico and applied for rentry. Obama would have given you fast passage to re-enter and apply for citizenship.
To his sobber and Trump haters, if he still has a job and family in the U.S.A., he will be back after he enters this country LEGALLY.
I suggest the whole family return to Mexico, where I'm sure the social workers and the government will get you all a job and you can return to this land of 'milk and honey', as a family..
To his sobber and Trump haters, if he still has a job and family in the U.S.A., he will be back after he enters this country LEGALLY.
I suggest the whole family return to Mexico, where I'm sure the social workers and the government will get you all a job and you can return to this land of 'milk and honey', as a family..
Monday, January 15, 2018
Put U.S.A. Culture First
A little diversity of opinion is nice. It gives us some perspective into our own values and why we have them.
I am fascinated by people from other cultures who complain that they want Americans to accept their cullture The question is: Why should Americans accept their cultures instead of them accepting ours?
Take Saudia Arabia as an example. Try to bring alcohol to Saudia Arabia. My neice was a Lufthansa stewardess; she told me Swiss citizens have to cover the the cross on their passports when they arrive. There is not one official church in Saudia Arabia.
Some of these cultures have religion-based laws, female genital mutilation, polygamy, marriage to underage children ,honor killings and other "cultural practices" abhorrent to American values.
When I was sworn as an American citizen, I was required to pledge allegiance to this country. These are not empty words. We stand during the Pledge, as we do to the national anthem, put our hand over our hearts or render a proper salute.
If you won't do that, why do you want to live here?
Written by Dr. Rida W. Boulos, Retired M.D. (6/17/17) as appeared in the Journal Star
Amen,and thanks Rida for speaking out and being my friend.
I am fascinated by people from other cultures who complain that they want Americans to accept their cullture The question is: Why should Americans accept their cultures instead of them accepting ours?
Take Saudia Arabia as an example. Try to bring alcohol to Saudia Arabia. My neice was a Lufthansa stewardess; she told me Swiss citizens have to cover the the cross on their passports when they arrive. There is not one official church in Saudia Arabia.
Some of these cultures have religion-based laws, female genital mutilation, polygamy, marriage to underage children ,honor killings and other "cultural practices" abhorrent to American values.
When I was sworn as an American citizen, I was required to pledge allegiance to this country. These are not empty words. We stand during the Pledge, as we do to the national anthem, put our hand over our hearts or render a proper salute.
If you won't do that, why do you want to live here?
Written by Dr. Rida W. Boulos, Retired M.D. (6/17/17) as appeared in the Journal Star
Amen,and thanks Rida for speaking out and being my friend.
Democrats To Skip Trump's State of the Union Address
No problem. Most of those who will not attend have a sickness called 'hate' and instead of walls and immigration laws, they want OPEN BORDERS.
So sad.
So sad.
ALCOHOL Is a Drug - Overdoseing On This Drug is Fatal in More Than Just a Person Killing Or Dying
This drug tears up families. I have first hand knowledge. I do not use anything worse than Lorazepam which helps tame anxiety and must be sold by a Doctor's prescription.
Addiction to any product must be called a disease. We need more intervention and education than eradication because it is PROVEN that eradication helps but seldom. And the cost of eradication in beyond reason.
Addiction can seldom be cured. Most any happening that the former addict feels is not right for them makes for any easy excuse to slide back into old habits. So many do not want to be cured. Mental health is most usually a major part of an addiction problem.
Again, so sad
Addiction to any product must be called a disease. We need more intervention and education than eradication because it is PROVEN that eradication helps but seldom. And the cost of eradication in beyond reason.
Addiction can seldom be cured. Most any happening that the former addict feels is not right for them makes for any easy excuse to slide back into old habits. So many do not want to be cured. Mental health is most usually a major part of an addiction problem.
Again, so sad
Gallup Poll - Trump Has Highest Approval Rating Since July, 2017
He has earned high ratings and his ratings will continue to rise as some people come to their senses.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
PlasticSurgeon Clinics - Are Any Of Them Publicly Traded?
If so, I missed out on investing in them also. Sorry I sugested IMAX and Taser. You were ok if you got in and got out quick. I'm hoping there will be more Class Action suits against these poorly managed LLC companies who stretched the truth so much to managements financial advantage. Just got in on one litigated settlement started 13 years ago but now finally setteled. I doubt whether there will be much left for me after the legal eagles take their shares..
Seldom wise to invest late in a Limited Liability firm. I invested in one in Peoria called the Peoria Baseball Chiefs who play at Dozer Baseball Park since about year 2000. I investeed in 1992 and had I known they were planning to move towards downton, I would never have invested. (Don''t really think Cat wanted to put their name on the park after it went unamed for about 5 years).I only lost $48,000. Maybe in another 20 years Baseball will return big time to Peoria.
Waiting out of interest only, for them to announce attendance for 2017. Figures didn't look too good in the box scores but not to worry fans, the City Council has the money to bail them out again.. The Club could be sold but probably not as long as Fites, Rocky, Chapman and ??are members of a 'ficticious' board.. (Ha,ha)
But what the hey, it was just money. Rocky has done financially, though. Pete was disappointed in attendance and finances but he got a statue of himself.
Seldom wise to invest late in a Limited Liability firm. I invested in one in Peoria called the Peoria Baseball Chiefs who play at Dozer Baseball Park since about year 2000. I investeed in 1992 and had I known they were planning to move towards downton, I would never have invested. (Don''t really think Cat wanted to put their name on the park after it went unamed for about 5 years).I only lost $48,000. Maybe in another 20 years Baseball will return big time to Peoria.
Waiting out of interest only, for them to announce attendance for 2017. Figures didn't look too good in the box scores but not to worry fans, the City Council has the money to bail them out again.. The Club could be sold but probably not as long as Fites, Rocky, Chapman and ??are members of a 'ficticious' board.. (Ha,ha)
But what the hey, it was just money. Rocky has done financially, though. Pete was disappointed in attendance and finances but he got a statue of himself.
Senator Perdue, Thanks For Helping Set the Record Right
To paraphrase a Bill Clinton remark, "What is the defination of oral sex", what is the defination of shit-hole. I welcome all Trump attackers who are attacking or President over his vocabulary, should play back some existing tapes of former President Lyndon Johnson.
Didn't make much news back then and of course Johnson was a Democrat disliked by his own asassinated Democrat President.
Haiti's horrendous situation is, of course, now lost in the news.
Believe Democrat Dick Durbin, one of the establshment that needs to be removed; he is part of the 'Swamp' jn D.C. big on telling "tall tails' and is a consumate lair.
Didn't make much news back then and of course Johnson was a Democrat disliked by his own asassinated Democrat President.
Haiti's horrendous situation is, of course, now lost in the news.
Believe Democrat Dick Durbin, one of the establshment that needs to be removed; he is part of the 'Swamp' jn D.C. big on telling "tall tails' and is a consumate lair.
Fake News An Enemy of the People - Always Has Been. Why Would It Change Under Trump?
Need ot be a 'rocket scientist' to figure that out. I've met and listened to Flake while I had a home in Arizona. At least in part of the Flake family, he is properly named.
Iranian Revolts Smashed??
Probably, if the military didn't join in the revolt with them, it's dead and so will be a lot more protestors. Many will never be see again ever and there will probably be some public hangings.
Why don't so many unhappy minorities in the U.S. A move to some of these happy countries and live happily everafter?
I've read a lot about the events leading up to the overthrow of the Shah. I recommended one book to my readers that detailed how it was almost impossible to express and opinion during the revolt as so many different factions with different motives might kill those on the wrong side.. That revolt and I suspect this revolt was had some inspring help through our Secret Service oganizations who have spies in every counry worth being on the map, Haiti included. I hired an Iranian whose father was a General under the Shah. His fanily and the Shah made it out of the country and were welcomed here.
Sorry to offend some of my readers but differences in intrerpretation of religous tomes and legends are perhaps the major reason for the choas in the Mid-East. That choas is heading in our direction rapidly.
Out President is CORRECT in being more selective. Of course, we need more legal emigrees from Europe. Again, one doesn't need to be a rocket scietist to figure why?
Why don't so many unhappy minorities in the U.S. A move to some of these happy countries and live happily everafter?
I've read a lot about the events leading up to the overthrow of the Shah. I recommended one book to my readers that detailed how it was almost impossible to express and opinion during the revolt as so many different factions with different motives might kill those on the wrong side.. That revolt and I suspect this revolt was had some inspring help through our Secret Service oganizations who have spies in every counry worth being on the map, Haiti included. I hired an Iranian whose father was a General under the Shah. His fanily and the Shah made it out of the country and were welcomed here.
Sorry to offend some of my readers but differences in intrerpretation of religous tomes and legends are perhaps the major reason for the choas in the Mid-East. That choas is heading in our direction rapidly.
Out President is CORRECT in being more selective. Of course, we need more legal emigrees from Europe. Again, one doesn't need to be a rocket scietist to figure why?
Mis-Leading Advertising That Mis-lead
I'll use filling stations that advertise a cost per gallon of gas at a low price in large size numerials and underneath in small print it says, 'cash only'. Big in Florida where there are so many seniors.
I'll use Krogers in the area (soon to be less of them and rumored expansions on hold) where grocery items are advertised in large print 2 for $5.00. Underneath somewhere it will print $2.50 each.
We suckers are born everyday.
I'll use Krogers in the area (soon to be less of them and rumored expansions on hold) where grocery items are advertised in large print 2 for $5.00. Underneath somewhere it will print $2.50 each.
We suckers are born everyday.
"Itsy, Bitsy, Teenie Weeny, Little Bikini" Almost Stopped "Barely Thong"
SpellCheck not working. Sorry.
Almost, it stops with just an adhesive patch. Of course, one doesnt need to wear panties or anything under an outer garment. Or go topless or naked even in public. Legal in the U.S.A. Sure, in Clubs that check your age but charge no daytime admission. In other countries? Yes, I know from having enjoyed the beach of Ipanima in Brazil and a beach in Souther France. And a hotel roof at Monte Carlo and a Jamacian Beach. And a whole bunch of other places I have never been.
So why this women's movement to gradually show more skin; from long, loose garments up to their neck, to the show as much of skin as legal. Women can wear clothes as tight as they can and that is legal. (I've often wondered how a woman with a big butt could possibly squeese her body in what would appear to be uncomfortable).
Sure, I'll be told 'not your problem, Bud so buzz off" I understand that but in a way it is to me and all men or boys and many kids of most gender. ( I need to say 'most' because it is no longer proper to say male and female)..
Makes many females to feel good about themselves, (remember the line from on old song, "you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else") compare their bodies with other women or attract other women or men. Or get an overall body tan.
Stop wearing loose fitting clothes and go to skin tight garments? Re-read paragraph two.
I oppose rape in any form. Molestation or grabbing a breast or pubic area without a woman's permission or if she hasn't patted the male's butt first is a reportable offense. Right then , not years later when the offender has risen to NATIONAL PROMINENCE. One pat on the butt I see as not a great problem. A man rubbing a woman's butt is a problem or as previously stated if the woman hasn't rubbed the male first. Being kissed on the mouth without a womens approval can only be done if her head is grabbed by both hands. BUT IF THE MALE IS STOPPED RIGHT THEN, I BELIEVE COMPLAINTS OF THIS TYPE WILL BE TOSSED BEFORE A JUDGE.
These things happen in public? SLAP his face, tell him off, or leave the area. Years ago, I was sitting and talking to two of my friends, one A nice looking crippled woman when a smart-assed bigshot out of Chicago asked the crippled woman to dance. She said no several times but he persited.. When he grabbed her arm and tried to pull her up I got up and knocked him under the table. Getting up, he threatened to sue, we went to a restuarant to cool down. He never sued.
If raped and alive, why not report it on your CP IMMEDIATLY? Why wait to see if you are pregnant, got a disease or where shunned later? Or embarrassed or you really weren't raped, maybe drunk and 'messing' around and got carried away or you really did 'want to go all the way' with this hunk. Or maybe now you checked him, saw him in daylight, talked to other women who knew him, found out he wasn't the guy you thought he was at the time and realize you made a BIG a mistake.
Easy to call 'rape' today. Most of the tIme it is real But often to try to get revenge, try to bring the guy off his high horse, maybe you are a Democrat and he is a Repiublican or maybe vice-versa, clear your own conscience, get back in the public eye, or realizing that beauty you had at the time of the 'happening', doesn't last forever. (Why didn't I buy ULTA stock. I saw the wave coming and missed a great 'boomer' fading beauty opportunoity) And the present day efforts by so many to try to arouse eroticism.
I had an aquantaince sent to prison on a charge of rape. On appeal, the new Judge said his convicttion and imprisonment was the worst miscarriage of justice he had ever seen. My aquantance was released but only after being imprisoned for five years.
Some common sense whould prevvail today. Anyone can make a claim of sexual harrassment or any type of unlawful act to the media as they will pass it to the public causing great embarrassment to the sometimes hapless victim. The claim should be made to legal authorities and not made public until court action.
I certainly have ALWAYS known that rape is usually real. Viscous rape proven should mean a long prison term. Rape caiusing death; I beilieve, an eye for an eye.
Any PROVEN rape is an act punishable by imprisonment. Any charge of sexual harrassment must be take before a judge who must use common sense in adminsteerating the law. As a Supreme Court Justice one said when asked to define porn, his answer was "I'll know it when I see it".
Back to the heading of this blog and the first pararahs. Arousing erotic feelings often lead to dangers for both female and males depending on he situation especially at small parties wher liquor and cocaine, or worse. Passing out while messing around leading to sexual acts and calling it rape weeks, months or years, go back to the preious paragrahs.
OK, I'm wrong on all this. Seldom had a discussion with a woman where what I said was right. OK again, I love most of you but many could look deeply at their feelings toward men. You may be pushing guys and even your own kids, like the actress who is taking her 3 year old son to sexual harassment meetings to mate up with another man rather than mate up as nature and continuation of the species, demands..
Almost, it stops with just an adhesive patch. Of course, one doesnt need to wear panties or anything under an outer garment. Or go topless or naked even in public. Legal in the U.S.A. Sure, in Clubs that check your age but charge no daytime admission. In other countries? Yes, I know from having enjoyed the beach of Ipanima in Brazil and a beach in Souther France. And a hotel roof at Monte Carlo and a Jamacian Beach. And a whole bunch of other places I have never been.
So why this women's movement to gradually show more skin; from long, loose garments up to their neck, to the show as much of skin as legal. Women can wear clothes as tight as they can and that is legal. (I've often wondered how a woman with a big butt could possibly squeese her body in what would appear to be uncomfortable).
Sure, I'll be told 'not your problem, Bud so buzz off" I understand that but in a way it is to me and all men or boys and many kids of most gender. ( I need to say 'most' because it is no longer proper to say male and female)..
Makes many females to feel good about themselves, (remember the line from on old song, "you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else") compare their bodies with other women or attract other women or men. Or get an overall body tan.
Stop wearing loose fitting clothes and go to skin tight garments? Re-read paragraph two.
I oppose rape in any form. Molestation or grabbing a breast or pubic area without a woman's permission or if she hasn't patted the male's butt first is a reportable offense. Right then , not years later when the offender has risen to NATIONAL PROMINENCE. One pat on the butt I see as not a great problem. A man rubbing a woman's butt is a problem or as previously stated if the woman hasn't rubbed the male first. Being kissed on the mouth without a womens approval can only be done if her head is grabbed by both hands. BUT IF THE MALE IS STOPPED RIGHT THEN, I BELIEVE COMPLAINTS OF THIS TYPE WILL BE TOSSED BEFORE A JUDGE.
These things happen in public? SLAP his face, tell him off, or leave the area. Years ago, I was sitting and talking to two of my friends, one A nice looking crippled woman when a smart-assed bigshot out of Chicago asked the crippled woman to dance. She said no several times but he persited.. When he grabbed her arm and tried to pull her up I got up and knocked him under the table. Getting up, he threatened to sue, we went to a restuarant to cool down. He never sued.
If raped and alive, why not report it on your CP IMMEDIATLY? Why wait to see if you are pregnant, got a disease or where shunned later? Or embarrassed or you really weren't raped, maybe drunk and 'messing' around and got carried away or you really did 'want to go all the way' with this hunk. Or maybe now you checked him, saw him in daylight, talked to other women who knew him, found out he wasn't the guy you thought he was at the time and realize you made a BIG a mistake.
Easy to call 'rape' today. Most of the tIme it is real But often to try to get revenge, try to bring the guy off his high horse, maybe you are a Democrat and he is a Repiublican or maybe vice-versa, clear your own conscience, get back in the public eye, or realizing that beauty you had at the time of the 'happening', doesn't last forever. (Why didn't I buy ULTA stock. I saw the wave coming and missed a great 'boomer' fading beauty opportunoity) And the present day efforts by so many to try to arouse eroticism.
I had an aquantaince sent to prison on a charge of rape. On appeal, the new Judge said his convicttion and imprisonment was the worst miscarriage of justice he had ever seen. My aquantance was released but only after being imprisoned for five years.
Some common sense whould prevvail today. Anyone can make a claim of sexual harrassment or any type of unlawful act to the media as they will pass it to the public causing great embarrassment to the sometimes hapless victim. The claim should be made to legal authorities and not made public until court action.
I certainly have ALWAYS known that rape is usually real. Viscous rape proven should mean a long prison term. Rape caiusing death; I beilieve, an eye for an eye.
Any PROVEN rape is an act punishable by imprisonment. Any charge of sexual harrassment must be take before a judge who must use common sense in adminsteerating the law. As a Supreme Court Justice one said when asked to define porn, his answer was "I'll know it when I see it".
Back to the heading of this blog and the first pararahs. Arousing erotic feelings often lead to dangers for both female and males depending on he situation especially at small parties wher liquor and cocaine, or worse. Passing out while messing around leading to sexual acts and calling it rape weeks, months or years, go back to the preious paragrahs.
OK, I'm wrong on all this. Seldom had a discussion with a woman where what I said was right. OK again, I love most of you but many could look deeply at their feelings toward men. You may be pushing guys and even your own kids, like the actress who is taking her 3 year old son to sexual harassment meetings to mate up with another man rather than mate up as nature and continuation of the species, demands..
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