Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Mary Jo Widmer Greytak ( October 13, 1954 - March 15, 2018)
Very difficult for me to fully grasp my loss. The loss to her mother who loved her dearly and my daughter Nancy Cripe who was very close to her sister. Nancy and her husband and son's loss, Mary Jo's two sons and their families loss and the loss to other family and friends (See my post on Facebook and also the posts on Facebook by Nancy Cripe, my existing daughter).
Mary Jo Greytak's obituary can be found on the internet.
I have not yet to accept one who I loved so much and her unexpected passing from this troubled world.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Obama Plans To Create One Million Young Obama's
If praying helps, please pray this doesn't happen. Unfortunately, there are millions of young people who are being taught Obamaism in our public schools and in higher education.
And in our liberal left-wing medias.
And in our liberal left-wing medias.
Local Private Ownership Of Our Utillities? - Posted November 5, 2005
Local Private Ownership of our Utilities?
Today’s JS headline titled “Illinois-American up for sale” appears to be great news for local entrepreneurs. Opportunity is now here to buy the water company from its German owners, for local investors to invest, make profits and reduce water rates to the public.
A few years ago a headline in the JS said “Mayors back local control of Cilco”. Pekin Mayor David Tebben said 25 communities “spoke with one voice”. Chuck Grayeb from the City Council said “This vote tonight is a tremendous victory”. City Councilman Eric Turner said “We’re at a crossroads. All our support is needed to assure local ownership”.
The community missed out on that opportunity; Ameren bought Cilco and renamed it Ameren/Cilco. Ameren/Cilco recently said they would possibly face bankruptcy if the ICC wouldn’t allow them to raise rates. Five days ago, the questionable ICC Board did approve the rate hike and Ameren/Cilco did RAISE rates to area users substantially. You will see the increase reflected in your December utility bill. Remember this is the same Ameren/Cilco that pledged $500,000.00 of YOUR MONEY in THEIR name to the proposed new $5 million plus Children’s Playhouse in the soon to be vacated Glen Oak Park Pavilion.
We know that excessive profits are being made by Illinois-American; that’s probably why they want to sell it. Also the PAAG, five City Council members, Terry Kohlbus, EDC chief, the Executive Board of the Peoria Chamber of Commerce, ex.-Mayor Lowell “Bud” Grieves and a number of other community leaders all said so. They should now take the lead in buying this company from the Germans. The company would then remain under the regulation of the ICC (our legislators should take steps to ask the Governor to appoint members to this commission who would both represent the private and public sector fairly), the ICC would have lost jurisdiction over the City owned water company. Under local ownership the entire region will then benefit by lower rates and we will have water lines that seldom will leak.
Let the raising of capital and negotiations begin. Count on my non financial support.
A few years ago a headline in the JS said “Mayors back local control of Cilco”. Pekin Mayor David Tebben said 25 communities “spoke with one voice”. Chuck Grayeb from the City Council said “This vote tonight is a tremendous victory”. City Councilman Eric Turner said “We’re at a crossroads. All our support is needed to assure local ownership”.
The community missed out on that opportunity; Ameren bought Cilco and renamed it Ameren/Cilco. Ameren/Cilco recently said they would possibly face bankruptcy if the ICC wouldn’t allow them to raise rates. Five days ago, the questionable ICC Board did approve the rate hike and Ameren/Cilco did RAISE rates to area users substantially. You will see the increase reflected in your December utility bill. Remember this is the same Ameren/Cilco that pledged $500,000.00 of YOUR MONEY in THEIR name to the proposed new $5 million plus Children’s Playhouse in the soon to be vacated Glen Oak Park Pavilion.
We know that excessive profits are being made by Illinois-American; that’s probably why they want to sell it. Also the PAAG, five City Council members, Terry Kohlbus, EDC chief, the Executive Board of the Peoria Chamber of Commerce, ex.-Mayor Lowell “Bud” Grieves and a number of other community leaders all said so. They should now take the lead in buying this company from the Germans. The company would then remain under the regulation of the ICC (our legislators should take steps to ask the Governor to appoint members to this commission who would both represent the private and public sector fairly), the ICC would have lost jurisdiction over the City owned water company. Under local ownership the entire region will then benefit by lower rates and we will have water lines that seldom will leak.
Let the raising of capital and negotiations begin. Count on my non financial support.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Corruption Of the Obama Administration By Peter Schweitzer
New Book Exposes Corruption Involving Obama, Biden, Kerry and George Soros
19 4 2 85 114

With all of the news bits here and there about the corruption of the Obama Administration over the last year, it feels like it would fill a book to list it all. As it turns out, that’s exactly the case. A new book attempts to do just that: tally and explain the full scale of corruption that was rampant throughout the Obama Administration. Here are a few tastes:
Remember how relations between the U.S. and China seemed to be in a good state during Obama’s reign? Well, that was because we were feeding massive funds to Chinese elites. How about the pre-Crimean relations between us and Russia? It’s the same story.
You’ve heard about Uranium One, pay to play meetings with Hillary Clinton, the overt corruption of FBI investigations and the secret military campaigns. Those alone should be enough to condemn Obama and his cronies. He should be tried for his crimes and spend the rest of his life in prison. But, what you have heard is a single straw in the full haystack.
In this video, the book’s author is interviews by Sean Hannity. The short clip will make you sick to your stomach when you hear just one example of the brazen audacity of Obama-era corruption. It runs deeper than you think, and it was done with little regard to keeping secrets. The administration was so confident that media outlets would fail to investigate that they never bothered to hide their tracks. Well, the truth is out now, and you can watch it for yourself.
Voter Fraud Endorsed By Illinois Democrats?
Illinois New Voter ID Scam Could Fraud Turn the State Away from Ever Voting for a Republican Again
5 0 0 36 43

A new Democrat vote fraud policy in the city of Chicago has ensured that the state of Illinois will now be permanently turned into a liberal dump. If the new “CityKey” ID card, which Chicago is about to start handing out, is not shot down in court, Republican candidates may as well pack their bags and say goodbye to the “Land of Lincoln.” CityKey is a vote fraud coup, brought to you by the same corrupt political machine that brought us eight years of Barack Obama.
With the new CityKey ID, election officials in Chicago will be able to register illegal aliens, tourists, and Soros-paid out-of-state agitators to vote in Illinois’ elections. We’ll examine each of these in turn below. Short of President Trump invoking the Insurrection Act and sending in Attorney General Jeff Sessions with 10,000 National Guard troops, Illinois could be forever lost — turned into a junior varsity version of California.
Chicago is already a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. The CityKey ID was designed specifically with illegal aliens in mind, as a form of progressive temper-tantrum resistance to President Trump. Life is terribly difficult for illegal aliens, you see. A form of photo ID makes it so much easier for them to sign up for welfare, taxpayer-funded health care, food stamps, energy assistance, housing assistance, disability insurance and whatever additional forms of fraud they wish to commit.
Oh, and there is one more thing that becomes incredibly easy, thanks to the CityKey ID. It is now a valid form of identification for voter registration!
Not to worry, though. The spokesman for the Illinois State Board of Elections says that voter fraud will not take place. He helpfully reminds us that the penalty for voter fraud by an illegal alien is deportation. Unless, of course, the illegal aliens swamp the polls and elect enough Democrats to continue the “Dreamer” scam.
Plus, state election officials in most states never do anything beyond a cursory check to see if vote fraud is taking place. But you’re not supposed to ask questions about things like that. After all, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin (D) says that voter fraud is a myth.
According to census data and the Department of Homeland Security, Illinois currently has an estimated 511,000 illegal aliens, with 307,000 residing in Cook County. How many more will flood into the Chicago area when they learn that a valid government-issued ID will get them voting rights, welfare, and free healthcare? Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) of Illinois’ 6th District won his election in 2016 by 65,000 votes. The 6th District encompasses part of Cook County, so the math doesn’t look as favorable for Roskam’s 2018 election bid.
In addition to issuing IDs without checking the immigration status of applicants, Chicago will be giving the CityKey ID out to people regardless of housing status. On the surface, this is another bleeding-heart effort to give an ID (which also serves as a bus and subway transit car) to the homeless, but the reality is that it opens up an entirely different can of voter fraud worms.
If a person does not have to provide proof of residency, what is to stop non-residents from paying the $10 fee for the ID, claiming they are homeless and even giving a false name on the application? The short answer is: Nothing.
If an opportunity to commit voter fraud comes up, you pretty much have to assume that the Democrat Party will take advantage of it. George Soros’ minions might be very busy in Illinois come November, thanks to the CityKey ID. Picture busloads of smelly Antifa agitators rolling into Chicago right now, paying for a CityKey ID and then immediately registering to vote.
This is just a Chicago problem, you might think. What’s the big deal? Wrong.
The Illinois State Board of Elections recognizes the CityKey ID as valid for voter registration. So, if a person gets a CityKey in Chicago and then runs off to another county or state, they can still register to vote as long as they claim to be homeless. The only thing that Illinois is registering is a name, after all.
The same person could potentially register to vote in multiple districts and then Soros can simply send in different people to those locations to vote under the false names on Election Day. After all, Illinois does not require identification to vote. You show up, tell them your name and vote.
The real telling thing will be the number of CityKey IDs that are purchased between now and Election Day. Chicago has a population of 2.7 million residents (give or take a few hundred thousand illegals), so if the municipality suddenly sells 4 million CityKey IDs, it will be a dead giveaway.
If you want to know how much of a disaster this portends for Illinois’ future, just look at California. The state legislature there has literally bent over backwards for years to grant illegal aliens the privilege of voting, and every policy today shows it. No bill that has even a whiff of conservatism has a chance of passing in the California legislature. The policies there only get crazier as the downhill slide continues. The only statewide “Republicans” who have a chance of being elected in California are progressive, nutjob, global warming RINOs like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Since the election of President Trump, California has made it illegal for employers to assist Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It is illegal for California landlords to report their tenants if they discover their renters are illegals. And it is illegal for state and local law enforcement to cooperate with ICE. Policies like this will be on the way soon in Illinois as well, thanks to the CityKey ID.
Chicago’s political machine has been corrupt for decades, according to many political analysts. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley was rumored to have stolen the 1960 election for John F. Kennedy. In more recent history, Gov. Rod Blagojevich was convicted of trying to sell Barack Obama’s vacant seat in the Illinois state Senate.
But the CityKey ID takes the cake when it comes to voter fraud. If CityKey works as well as it is advertised, the Democrat Party in Illinois will no longer have to bother registering dead people to vote! They’ll just let the illegal aliens and Soros’ minions do the heavy lifting.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Anderson Cooper, Mouthpiece of CNN, Has a Live-In Man?
Is he and many in the media jealous of Trump's love life of which I am NOT interested in? Whether he is doing a good job of making America great again, which he is against ALL odds, is of no interest to them. But our Presidents sex life is most important to them. Do I detect more than jealousy here?
Forget about the infidelity of Former President John Kennedy, brother Bob and certainly their beloved brother, beloved also by the Democrats, who was driving a car with a young girl he was f........g with and drove her into a famous river and swam away to let her die?
Or Democrat FDR's mistress who was with him at the time of his death. And the escapades of LBJ.
Hey, Anderson Cooper, I bet your mouth is bigger than your boyfriends you know what. Or is your relationship fake news or just a rumor?
But I forget. We live in an age of where anything goes. I know a person whose daughter and black boyfriend live in the same house as her father and his former wife reside.
I'm probably just jealous.
Forget about the infidelity of Former President John Kennedy, brother Bob and certainly their beloved brother, beloved also by the Democrats, who was driving a car with a young girl he was f........g with and drove her into a famous river and swam away to let her die?
Or Democrat FDR's mistress who was with him at the time of his death. And the escapades of LBJ.
Hey, Anderson Cooper, I bet your mouth is bigger than your boyfriends you know what. Or is your relationship fake news or just a rumor?
But I forget. We live in an age of where anything goes. I know a person whose daughter and black boyfriend live in the same house as her father and his former wife reside.
I'm probably just jealous.
Pennsylvania Close Race and Probable Winner Comes As No Big Surprise To Me
With the Democrat left-wing liberal media dominating the media, the constant hammering on everything that Trump and family does or looks like, o....., the new book section in public libraries dominated by novels involving illicit sex, (proven by the very high readership and movie attendance of 'Fifty Shades of Gray", the movies and talk shows advising people that anything goes these days, with drug use at it's highest level ever, with a dominate number of Socialist minded teachers (at all levels in the public schools and most colleges and universities, spewing hate against Capitalism and especially our President, I think the Republican candidate did quite well in a LOW turnout election.
Many of the old Republican dowagers,(who inherited their money from their husband or Grandad, now spending their time watching 300 channels on TV, especially ones that involve their unrequited sex lives and now to old have anyone interested in helping them reclaim what they believe they have lost and have no time to vote) leaving them with no time to see or understand what is happening to this country and no time to vote..
Sure older Republican women are opposed to legalizing Marijuana because they can't believe that their relatives, middle aged, or young, are buying it illegally, making this country probably the biggest spender on drugs of all kind, including prescription drugs, causing the highest murder rate outside of Mexico and depriving out country of hundreds of billions of tax dollars.
As usual, so sad.
Many of the old Republican dowagers,(who inherited their money from their husband or Grandad, now spending their time watching 300 channels on TV, especially ones that involve their unrequited sex lives and now to old have anyone interested in helping them reclaim what they believe they have lost and have no time to vote) leaving them with no time to see or understand what is happening to this country and no time to vote..
Sure older Republican women are opposed to legalizing Marijuana because they can't believe that their relatives, middle aged, or young, are buying it illegally, making this country probably the biggest spender on drugs of all kind, including prescription drugs, causing the highest murder rate outside of Mexico and depriving out country of hundreds of billions of tax dollars.
As usual, so sad.
NCAA May Be Covering Up the Biggest Sports Scandal In the History Of Sports Scandals
A scandal most of us who played the games and follow the high paid sports; football and basketball, have for years and years, known about 'attend for pay or major incentives, new cars to drive or if they did well in sports, keep the car or pay a dollar for ownership, vacation trips and paid trips for family, the name of some 'women' to contact on campus or in the area. etc.
Over the years, a few college professors' have complained about the pressure on the pass players who seldom attended a class. Under of losing their jobs, most relented. Then colleges started offering classes so easy no study was necessary to graduate. If they even wanted to graduate.
If Dick Versace, former college and pro basketball coach were to read this blog, he would get quite a chuckle.
Rick Pitno became the best know college coach fall-guy. A few assistant coaches too, but the big names are ALL out there unscathed. But for the NCAA top big-shots, it's a money game to line their pockets. There attitude is that if they can get by with just a few low level coaches caught in cheating and just one big time coach, why stir the pot.
One reason former Bradley coach, Joe Stowell was eventually ousted was because he wouldn't play the 'pay'to get top talent to Bradley, Of course, the money or incentives to lure players to colleges is usually not paid by the coaches or the University, but by the followers who's motto is win at any cost, just win.
Unfortunately, we all like winners today and cheating to win is much easier as I have blogged on this subject years ago.
So when you watch big name schools who are ALWAYS in the final 4 or 8, you might give what I blog here tonight, some thought.
Pretty sad, but we live in a world of cheaters. I was watching a program on Chanel 85 titled Drugs. Inc.Anybody who believes we are winning the war on drugs, lives in la, la land.
So sad, again.
Over the years, a few college professors' have complained about the pressure on the pass players who seldom attended a class. Under of losing their jobs, most relented. Then colleges started offering classes so easy no study was necessary to graduate. If they even wanted to graduate.
If Dick Versace, former college and pro basketball coach were to read this blog, he would get quite a chuckle.
Rick Pitno became the best know college coach fall-guy. A few assistant coaches too, but the big names are ALL out there unscathed. But for the NCAA top big-shots, it's a money game to line their pockets. There attitude is that if they can get by with just a few low level coaches caught in cheating and just one big time coach, why stir the pot.
One reason former Bradley coach, Joe Stowell was eventually ousted was because he wouldn't play the 'pay'to get top talent to Bradley, Of course, the money or incentives to lure players to colleges is usually not paid by the coaches or the University, but by the followers who's motto is win at any cost, just win.
Unfortunately, we all like winners today and cheating to win is much easier as I have blogged on this subject years ago.
So when you watch big name schools who are ALWAYS in the final 4 or 8, you might give what I blog here tonight, some thought.
Pretty sad, but we live in a world of cheaters. I was watching a program on Chanel 85 titled Drugs. Inc.Anybody who believes we are winning the war on drugs, lives in la, la land.
So sad, again.
Kids, and That's What you Are - You Don't Know Shit
Sent to me by a friend. My Heading. Merle
"Dear 'Ban Gun' Teenagers". 9 kids die everyday from texting while driving. Let's ban your CP's. Also your car. My comments now. Many of you smoke pot and think you are cool. You dress like strippers. You smoke cigarettes and think again you are cool. You have sex before the age or 14. This nation has more unwed mothers THAN ANY COUNTRY 1st WORLD COUNTRY. IN THE. You have fake ID's cards so you can buy booze and cigarettes. You can't read and you have little idea of what is going on in the REAL WORLD.
Part of your problem is your parents who fear punishing you. Another large problem is weak school boards, Principals and Superintendents.
You are married to your ears and mouth. And Hollywood.
There will be some changes in control of guns. You and those who support you will have little to do with these changes. Regular rifles will not be banned from country kids and from those who enjoy shooting for fun, hunting or target practice.. If lawmakers try to ban rifles to those under under 18, (at 18, youths' may enter the arm services and learn to shoot more than a rifle) most of their fathers will buy them a gun and teach how to use it. If they wish to have one or two.
Sometimes following your 'peers' can get you in more trouble than you can imagine. Don't think that the 2 million or more that are incarcerated are ALL innocent.
If you can, think about the real world. If you don't like it, you are going about changing it in the wrong way.Those top educators' and the leftt-wing press are trying to scare kids and parents into thinking ALL teachers would be armed. Not true at all. Only those who are skilled, fully vetted and extensively trained and who VOLUNTEER to carry a concealed would be armed. Perhaps one for every 50 kids.
I try not to paint every kid with a 'broad brush'. There are far more responsible intelligent kids than those who I describe above.
Israel has had guns in schools for 40 years and they have NO SHOOTING PROBLEMS. Look it up.
"Dear 'Ban Gun' Teenagers". 9 kids die everyday from texting while driving. Let's ban your CP's. Also your car. My comments now. Many of you smoke pot and think you are cool. You dress like strippers. You smoke cigarettes and think again you are cool. You have sex before the age or 14. This nation has more unwed mothers THAN ANY COUNTRY 1st WORLD COUNTRY. IN THE. You have fake ID's cards so you can buy booze and cigarettes. You can't read and you have little idea of what is going on in the REAL WORLD.
Part of your problem is your parents who fear punishing you. Another large problem is weak school boards, Principals and Superintendents.
You are married to your ears and mouth. And Hollywood.
There will be some changes in control of guns. You and those who support you will have little to do with these changes. Regular rifles will not be banned from country kids and from those who enjoy shooting for fun, hunting or target practice.. If lawmakers try to ban rifles to those under under 18, (at 18, youths' may enter the arm services and learn to shoot more than a rifle) most of their fathers will buy them a gun and teach how to use it. If they wish to have one or two.
Sometimes following your 'peers' can get you in more trouble than you can imagine. Don't think that the 2 million or more that are incarcerated are ALL innocent.
If you can, think about the real world. If you don't like it, you are going about changing it in the wrong way.Those top educators' and the leftt-wing press are trying to scare kids and parents into thinking ALL teachers would be armed. Not true at all. Only those who are skilled, fully vetted and extensively trained and who VOLUNTEER to carry a concealed would be armed. Perhaps one for every 50 kids.
I try not to paint every kid with a 'broad brush'. There are far more responsible intelligent kids than those who I describe above.
Israel has had guns in schools for 40 years and they have NO SHOOTING PROBLEMS. Look it up.
Monday, March 12, 2018
No Interference By Russia In Our Presidential Election
In a 150 page review of interference, the Republicans found no collusion. Now the Republicans should make a stronger effort to prove that thousands of illegals voted for Democrats in the 2016 election. That's why Demos are so opposed to voter ID.
It should be noted that attempts to influence elections in other countries by the good old U.S.A. has been going on since the formation of this country. Proof is out in print in many books. Forgot Contra already?
And these efforts by our country to influence foreign voters will continue under Democrat or Republican administrations will continue.
Forever. Period.
It should be noted that attempts to influence elections in other countries by the good old U.S.A. has been going on since the formation of this country. Proof is out in print in many books. Forgot Contra already?
And these efforts by our country to influence foreign voters will continue under Democrat or Republican administrations will continue.
Forever. Period.
Gary Sutherland and Pastor Marvin Hightower - My Respect
Seem like common sense people when they write published letters to the JSEB. Also, ad my respect to Larry Ivory and a lot of other who write sensible letters for publication.
Higher Import Tariffs' Raising Prices To the Consumers?
I have some suggested ideas to offset the possible consumer costs:
#1 - Consume less booze and soft drinks - neither help you lead a longer and more productive life plus ALL soft drinks add to body weight. So does beer. 16,000 deaths vehicle deaths were alcohol related.
#2 - It is claimed that the steel tariff would raise the cost of a $40,000 car by $200 since cars are using more and more plastic. Buy a slighter cheaper car or keep your old car one year longer. No point in 'keeping up with the Jones, because one can't'.
#3 - Marry a wife or a husband that can cook. Grocery store purchases are much cheaper than eating out. Or eat out one night less a week.
#4 - Keep your old anythings including TV's, laptops, Ipods, clothes, or CP's one year longer.
#5 - Consolidate your driving. Some people shop everyday. My Mom shopped for groceries once a week.
#6 - The Biggie. Stop stupidly spending your money on lotteries, video machines and Casinos. They are set up to win the most money by far, not you.
And I've overlooked at lot other solutions but some I must mention is to cut down on your use of prescription drugs, illegals drugs and your smoking habits.
There, see how easy it is so stop your complaining. Don't like the way the politicians are running our governments? Run for office. I did. Elected at age 75 and retired at 85. I'm nearing 93 and look forward to every day I get up in the morning. And, no, I've never been convicted of anything worse than a traffic violation. And never will.
#1 - Consume less booze and soft drinks - neither help you lead a longer and more productive life plus ALL soft drinks add to body weight. So does beer. 16,000 deaths vehicle deaths were alcohol related.
#2 - It is claimed that the steel tariff would raise the cost of a $40,000 car by $200 since cars are using more and more plastic. Buy a slighter cheaper car or keep your old car one year longer. No point in 'keeping up with the Jones, because one can't'.
#3 - Marry a wife or a husband that can cook. Grocery store purchases are much cheaper than eating out. Or eat out one night less a week.
#4 - Keep your old anythings including TV's, laptops, Ipods, clothes, or CP's one year longer.
#5 - Consolidate your driving. Some people shop everyday. My Mom shopped for groceries once a week.
#6 - The Biggie. Stop stupidly spending your money on lotteries, video machines and Casinos. They are set up to win the most money by far, not you.
And I've overlooked at lot other solutions but some I must mention is to cut down on your use of prescription drugs, illegals drugs and your smoking habits.
There, see how easy it is so stop your complaining. Don't like the way the politicians are running our governments? Run for office. I did. Elected at age 75 and retired at 85. I'm nearing 93 and look forward to every day I get up in the morning. And, no, I've never been convicted of anything worse than a traffic violation. And never will.
Illinois Policy Institute Major 2018 Goals
#1 - Give Right to Work protection to every government employee in not only Illinois but in the nation. 28 states already have laws that protect the government workers from undue union coercion.
#2 - Give Illinois homeowners relief with comprehensive property tax reforms. Our current system drives property owners out of Illinois, wreaks hardships on middle class families, and reduces our census while other states increase their populations.
#3 - Advance structural spending. What solutions are needed? Real, structural reforms on critical issues such as pensions, Workmen's Compensation, Medicaid and higher education as well as property taxes. The current budget has none of those urgently needed reforms.
#4 - Defend Illinois taxpayers by enacting collective bargaining reform. To compete with other states and keep people from fleeing the state - it must reduce the high cost of living that drives them away. And one of the biggest drivers of the state's high cost of living in Illinois' unfair collective bargainer laws.All of Illinois' neighboring states - Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan have already enacted the following reforms: Strike prohibition for most or all government employees, Limits on the subjects that can be negotiated during bargaining, limits on contract length and worker freedom provisions.
#5 - Advance criminal justice reform to expand opportunity across Illinois. Our systems are totally out of date and provisions mus t be provided to lower the recidivsion rate of ex-offenders.
This is just a synopsis of what the IPI is expanding their efforts to make Illinois a better place to live.
To get the full eight page report, contact the Illinois Policy Institute at 190 S. LaSalle St., Suite 1500 Chicago, Il. 60603 or illinoispolicy.org.
#2 - Give Illinois homeowners relief with comprehensive property tax reforms. Our current system drives property owners out of Illinois, wreaks hardships on middle class families, and reduces our census while other states increase their populations.
#3 - Advance structural spending. What solutions are needed? Real, structural reforms on critical issues such as pensions, Workmen's Compensation, Medicaid and higher education as well as property taxes. The current budget has none of those urgently needed reforms.
#4 - Defend Illinois taxpayers by enacting collective bargaining reform. To compete with other states and keep people from fleeing the state - it must reduce the high cost of living that drives them away. And one of the biggest drivers of the state's high cost of living in Illinois' unfair collective bargainer laws.All of Illinois' neighboring states - Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan have already enacted the following reforms: Strike prohibition for most or all government employees, Limits on the subjects that can be negotiated during bargaining, limits on contract length and worker freedom provisions.
#5 - Advance criminal justice reform to expand opportunity across Illinois. Our systems are totally out of date and provisions mus t be provided to lower the recidivsion rate of ex-offenders.
This is just a synopsis of what the IPI is expanding their efforts to make Illinois a better place to live.
To get the full eight page report, contact the Illinois Policy Institute at 190 S. LaSalle St., Suite 1500 Chicago, Il. 60603 or illinoispolicy.org.
"Hotel Deal Raises Eyebrows in City That Learned the Hard Way"
Printed by the Journal Star on 6/15/09 but written by the St, Loius Post-Dispatch. "Peoria jumps on the convention-hotel bandwagon. Here in St. Louis, we know the folly of listening to consultants who promise that a big new hotel will attract more convention business. Our down-town Renaissance Hotel, built on the basis of such projections, has just defaulted on its debt payments. But 180 miles to the northeast, consultants are still making such promises, and the leaders of Peoria are in a mood to believe them.
The Peoria City Council endorsed a plan last month that would provide $39 million of public financing for a new Marriott Hotel attached to the Civic Center. In one respect, the city would be making an even greater commitment than St. Louis did: Peoria appears to be talking about issuing general obligation bonds, which the city would repay out of tax revenue. St. Louis convention hotel was financed with revenue bonds, with no obligation for the city itself to make payments.
The plan is based on the hotel drawing more conventioneers to Peoria, which will bring the city more money through taxes on hotel rooms, restaurant meals and other spending. The discussion in the Peoria Journal Star will sound familiar to St. Louisans:
In recent years Civic Center business has remained relatively stable. even after the $55 million expansion of its facility to add more convention hall space. ...Debbie Ritschel, General Manager of the Civic Center, said a main reason for the lack of increased convention business is because there is no attached hotel. She said once it is connected, 20 to 30 clients who have turned down coming to Peoria in the past because the Civic Center does not have an attached hotel, will be reconsidered. It also opens a series of clients we haven't approached. she said.
Peoria's Marriott isn't a sure thing. The deal is contingent on a developer's ability to raise $54 million of private financing, which may be a tall order in today's market."
The Peoria Journal Star then adds the following: "Not that Peoria ever lets precedent---here or elsewhere---- get in the way of its decision making, but in the light of the recent bad news concerning a grocery store (Cubs) going belly up in yet another of the city's less-than-successful TIF districts, leaving local taxpayers on the hook, might city leaders pay attention now? You just never know who might be watching".
The Peoria Journal Star recently wrote "Worst Deal Ever", 2/23/2018, writing that the city did not protect the taxpayers on the hotel deal. It was reckless with their money".
What I have said many times that Peoria is a consultants money making dream. Add Heddinton Oaks to the big loser (the PJS was huge supporter of Heddsington Oaks) list and of course, the Pere, and now those who 'lead' Peoria want to buy a $300 million dollar water company to help pay for Peoria's infrastructure that is so bad it is indescribable.
P.S. The Civic Center is projected to lose $500,000 next time they report profits and losses.
The Peoria City Council endorsed a plan last month that would provide $39 million of public financing for a new Marriott Hotel attached to the Civic Center. In one respect, the city would be making an even greater commitment than St. Louis did: Peoria appears to be talking about issuing general obligation bonds, which the city would repay out of tax revenue. St. Louis convention hotel was financed with revenue bonds, with no obligation for the city itself to make payments.
The plan is based on the hotel drawing more conventioneers to Peoria, which will bring the city more money through taxes on hotel rooms, restaurant meals and other spending. The discussion in the Peoria Journal Star will sound familiar to St. Louisans:
In recent years Civic Center business has remained relatively stable. even after the $55 million expansion of its facility to add more convention hall space. ...Debbie Ritschel, General Manager of the Civic Center, said a main reason for the lack of increased convention business is because there is no attached hotel. She said once it is connected, 20 to 30 clients who have turned down coming to Peoria in the past because the Civic Center does not have an attached hotel, will be reconsidered. It also opens a series of clients we haven't approached. she said.
Peoria's Marriott isn't a sure thing. The deal is contingent on a developer's ability to raise $54 million of private financing, which may be a tall order in today's market."
The Peoria Journal Star then adds the following: "Not that Peoria ever lets precedent---here or elsewhere---- get in the way of its decision making, but in the light of the recent bad news concerning a grocery store (Cubs) going belly up in yet another of the city's less-than-successful TIF districts, leaving local taxpayers on the hook, might city leaders pay attention now? You just never know who might be watching".
The Peoria Journal Star recently wrote "Worst Deal Ever", 2/23/2018, writing that the city did not protect the taxpayers on the hotel deal. It was reckless with their money".
What I have said many times that Peoria is a consultants money making dream. Add Heddinton Oaks to the big loser (the PJS was huge supporter of Heddsington Oaks) list and of course, the Pere, and now those who 'lead' Peoria want to buy a $300 million dollar water company to help pay for Peoria's infrastructure that is so bad it is indescribable.
P.S. The Civic Center is projected to lose $500,000 next time they report profits and losses.
Thursday, March 08, 2018
John Ackerman For Tazewell County Clerk
Clear choice. Show me a person with ambition who hasn't had some problems in their lives. He will serve and do his job for his communities.
Wednesday, March 07, 2018
Trump's New Major Economic Advisor? Easy Choice, Larrry Kudlow
A demeanor that would offset some of Trump's hurry up efforts to get things done. And President Trump has done a lot to 'right the ship'..
Trump Doing What Predecessors Failed To Do
When this country started to be flooded with cheaper merchandise driving manufactures and other businesses OUT of business because these importing countries had a lower standard of living than we have, former administrations failed to raise tariff out of fear.
Now Trump is acting. Perhaps his tariff raise is too much to be acceptable to some other businesses that will need to raise prices to consumers or reduce overpaid management and reduce their internal cost. Every action taken always affects someone negatively.
Big problems our President has inherited. He will be a worn out man by 2020 and will not run for reelection. I expect a divorce in 2021 as his younger wife will want a more social life than politics which he will not be able to get off his mind.
I know as you can tell by my blogs, 26 years after my retirement.
Now Trump is acting. Perhaps his tariff raise is too much to be acceptable to some other businesses that will need to raise prices to consumers or reduce overpaid management and reduce their internal cost. Every action taken always affects someone negatively.
Big problems our President has inherited. He will be a worn out man by 2020 and will not run for reelection. I expect a divorce in 2021 as his younger wife will want a more social life than politics which he will not be able to get off his mind.
I know as you can tell by my blogs, 26 years after my retirement.
Tuesday, March 06, 2018
Vehicular Deaths - 2017 - 37,000+ - Most Deadly Day? Memorial Day
40% alcohol related. Marijuana vehicular deaths 11.
Interesting. I don't drink but will use medical marijuana if I become painfully terminal ill.
Interesting. I don't drink but will use medical marijuana if I become painfully terminal ill.
Monday, March 05, 2018
Kudos to the North Carolina Dick's Sporting Goods Employee For Quitting His Job.
This 20 year old resigned his position with Dick's Sporting Goods Company after this Company announced a policy of not selling ANY type of gun to anyone under 21. ALL NRA members and supporters; I am a supporter, must boycott this 'chickenshit' company. Boycott, where possible, all the other 'no guts' companies that are trying to penalize the NRA instead of correcting our lousy mental health system,; lousy because of corrupt politicians like Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois.
And remaining members of the 'swamp' in D.C., of which there are still thousands that need to be fired.
I was born on a farm. I knew how to shoot at 12. If I was twelve today, my Dad would have given me a gun and shown me how to safely use it, horribly law against common sense, or not.
What has Durbin done about the Democrat controlled Chicago massacres? Nothing.
Durbin is all mouth and a media darling. Illinois is in the worst financial shape of any state in the union, save one. And Durbin is typical of Democrat politicians in Illinois.
I ask the NRA to publish a list of all those 'chiken- s..t companies. The Governor of Georgia is teaching Delta Airlines a financial lesson. More should follow suit.
If someone will tell the NRA to send me a membership blank, I will quickly become add to their growing list of members.
And remaining members of the 'swamp' in D.C., of which there are still thousands that need to be fired.
I was born on a farm. I knew how to shoot at 12. If I was twelve today, my Dad would have given me a gun and shown me how to safely use it, horribly law against common sense, or not.
What has Durbin done about the Democrat controlled Chicago massacres? Nothing.
Durbin is all mouth and a media darling. Illinois is in the worst financial shape of any state in the union, save one. And Durbin is typical of Democrat politicians in Illinois.
I ask the NRA to publish a list of all those 'chiken- s..t companies. The Governor of Georgia is teaching Delta Airlines a financial lesson. More should follow suit.
If someone will tell the NRA to send me a membership blank, I will quickly become add to their growing list of members.
"Protect Peoria;s Water' Campaign Seems To Be Sponsored By Illinois American Water Co.
If so, I want my name withdrawn from the petition. While at this point I am opposed to the buyout, I do not condone IAWC sponsoring their own campaign under a false heading. While the private company does PAY property taxes as erroneously reported by one Kim Komando in the February 16 issue of the Journal Star; since she supports the buyout and solicited by the buyout supporters, she intentionally made that error while neglecting to add the contributions made by the privately owned water company to charity and the countless hours of volunteer work.
I'm waiting to see if the judge has the guts to rule on the current PAAG, multi-millionaires all, lawsuit demanding the City pay, with taxpayer dollars, over $2,000,000. including 13 years of interest at I believe 9%, accusing the City of Peoria for NOT doing due diligence in 2005.
I'm waiting to see how much the due diligence will ACTUALLY cost. How much over the $400,000 donated by multi-millionaires, all who would benefit by the City owning the water service. Once the service is given to the public, oversight would be REMOVED from the ICC and our already dangerous sprawl would be accelerated by wealthy farmland owners.
Would the balance of over at least $600,000 for a new due diligence be born by the taxpayers?
Stupid question, Merle
I'm waiting to see if the judge has the guts to rule on the current PAAG, multi-millionaires all, lawsuit demanding the City pay, with taxpayer dollars, over $2,000,000. including 13 years of interest at I believe 9%, accusing the City of Peoria for NOT doing due diligence in 2005.
I'm waiting to see how much the due diligence will ACTUALLY cost. How much over the $400,000 donated by multi-millionaires, all who would benefit by the City owning the water service. Once the service is given to the public, oversight would be REMOVED from the ICC and our already dangerous sprawl would be accelerated by wealthy farmland owners.
Would the balance of over at least $600,000 for a new due diligence be born by the taxpayers?
Stupid question, Merle
A Partial Solution To the 'Gun Control' Problem
Highly recommend that the School protestors, Trump haters and blamers, NRA hating groups and the usually Democrat School Superintendents in cities the approximate size of Peoria, to ask the School Boards for the use of School buses to transport school protesters and followers, to and from Chicago where killings by gangs with guns are 2+ a day and wounding by gang turf battles are around 12 a day. Book them into hotels; suggest 3 days and two nights, in the areas where the greatest acts of violence take place. Fully fund them for meals only. No drugs of any kind to be consumed enroute or at any time during the extended visit. Send one Security qualified person per bus.
Visit at least 3 Police Precincts. Parent or Parents invited.
Arrange this over Spring Break so no 'learning' time is lost. If school time is lost, have them write a detailed dissertation of what they witnessed and and present, individually, to those students, teachers and administrators who didn't make the trips outlining what steps these Chicago visitors would take to stop the killings in parts of Chicago; killings 10 times greater than ALL school killings combined in just this one City.
In one year.
The NRA would be more than pleased to visit schools and present their position overall and on all unauthorized gun killings in particular at no charge to any school, students, etc., who are vitally interested in how to handle 'gun control'.
Count it all towards a learning experience in the REAL WORLD. Most sensible taxpayers would happily support since everyone is looking for 'solutions'. Most of the solutions put forward so far are radical but many sane solutions presented, I support..
What say, anyone???
Visit at least 3 Police Precincts. Parent or Parents invited.
Arrange this over Spring Break so no 'learning' time is lost. If school time is lost, have them write a detailed dissertation of what they witnessed and and present, individually, to those students, teachers and administrators who didn't make the trips outlining what steps these Chicago visitors would take to stop the killings in parts of Chicago; killings 10 times greater than ALL school killings combined in just this one City.
In one year.
The NRA would be more than pleased to visit schools and present their position overall and on all unauthorized gun killings in particular at no charge to any school, students, etc., who are vitally interested in how to handle 'gun control'.
Count it all towards a learning experience in the REAL WORLD. Most sensible taxpayers would happily support since everyone is looking for 'solutions'. Most of the solutions put forward so far are radical but many sane solutions presented, I support..
What say, anyone???
Socialist Teachers From Socialistic Colleges, Left Wing Media, Are Creating Socialistic Students
NRA a terrorist group, ban all weapon sales, turn in your guns, blame the gun, not the shooter, blame Trump, blame their parents and grandparents who might still believe in Capitalism and blame everybody but THOSE who would harm them. Kids know who is talking violence in the community, not just in school but kids usually don't mention evil to their superiors who they don't believe would do anything anyway.
What I print here has some half-truths. Kids may be smart or think they are smarter than their elders,(and some are) but many of them lack common sense. But all must recognize mental illness as a disease that must be controlled. The country and it's leaders, including our Senator Dick Durbin, who told me personally in 2004 that he was 'working' on the problem
NRA as a terrorist group? What baloney is being fed to those gullible. The members of this organization protect communities all across America. It's the mentally ill and the criminals that kill innocents, certainly not the NRA. Governments are at work on better solutions but governments often move slowly as it is difficult to get agreement from so many politicians trying to please so many voters with different views.
We all know how and why so many people, including the young, like to showboat. Again, a lot of that is happening now. The shootings are very sad but this country like all countries, have a lot of mentally sick people with friends and relatives who love them and protect them but can't always stop them from hurting themselves or others.
However, authorities must be notified of the mentally ill who are recognized as potential community hazards and violence. There is often a reluctance to speak out and do the right thing.
I understand the motives of the protesters but, again, their approach to the problems, is half wrong.
So sad.
What I print here has some half-truths. Kids may be smart or think they are smarter than their elders,(and some are) but many of them lack common sense. But all must recognize mental illness as a disease that must be controlled. The country and it's leaders, including our Senator Dick Durbin, who told me personally in 2004 that he was 'working' on the problem
NRA as a terrorist group? What baloney is being fed to those gullible. The members of this organization protect communities all across America. It's the mentally ill and the criminals that kill innocents, certainly not the NRA. Governments are at work on better solutions but governments often move slowly as it is difficult to get agreement from so many politicians trying to please so many voters with different views.
We all know how and why so many people, including the young, like to showboat. Again, a lot of that is happening now. The shootings are very sad but this country like all countries, have a lot of mentally sick people with friends and relatives who love them and protect them but can't always stop them from hurting themselves or others.
However, authorities must be notified of the mentally ill who are recognized as potential community hazards and violence. There is often a reluctance to speak out and do the right thing.
I understand the motives of the protesters but, again, their approach to the problems, is half wrong.
So sad.
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