Sunday, March 25, 2018

Corruption Of the Obama Administration By Peter Schweitzer

New Book Exposes Corruption Involving Obama, Biden, Kerry and George Soros

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With all of the news bits here and there about the corruption of the Obama Administration over the last year, it feels like it would fill a book to list it all. As it turns out, that’s exactly the case. A new book attempts to do just that: tally and explain the full scale of corruption that was rampant throughout the Obama Administration. Here are a few tastes:
Remember how relations between the U.S. and China seemed to be in a good state during Obama’s reign? Well, that was because we were feeding massive funds to Chinese elites. How about the pre-Crimean relations between us and Russia? It’s the same story.
You’ve heard about Uranium One, pay to play meetings with Hillary Clinton, the overt corruption of FBI investigations and the secret military campaigns. Those alone should be enough to condemn Obama and his cronies. He should be tried for his crimes and spend the rest of his life in prison. But, what you have heard is a single straw in the full haystack.
In this video, the book’s author is interviews by Sean Hannity. The short clip will make you sick to your stomach when you hear just one example of the brazen audacity of Obama-era corruption. It runs deeper than you think, and it was done with little regard to keeping secrets. The administration was so confident that media outlets would fail to investigate that they never bothered to hide their tracks. Well, the truth is out now, and you can watch it for yourself.

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