Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Saudi Jouralist Turned Spy For U.S.A.?

He lived in the U.s. but was not a citizen. It is not at all unusual for a person to, especially a journalist or a person with access to vital records,  be 'turned' into a spy against his native country. The rewards can be great as detailed in the non-fiction book, "The Billion Dollar Spy". If caught, the spy can expect torture and a quick death. In Russia, about 3 days or when they feel they an no longer torture more information. In the compassionate U.S.a., about 2-3 years of trials.

The Saudi's are not compassionate and the risk of spying without being compromised' from within or outside, is EXTREMELY dangerous.
Read the book and look at this case carefully. I'm afraid he was a journalist 'turned by possibly the U.S.A. Once caught by the offended country and tortured, expect disappearance like DOA.

Every major country has spies WITHIN  the U.S.A. and vice/versa.

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