Friday, October 11, 2013

$1,4000,000.00 Local Heist

Surely you heard about it as the JS spread the word all over the country so it must have been a major theft. Wouldn't you think? And I must still be a major player in the Peoria scene or why the vicious Journal Star attack?  Reporters Matt Buedel and Chris Kaegard, 2nd rate reporters; they both work for the Journal Star, embellished this MAJOR story by adding an upstairs to my ranch home that HAS NO UPSTAIRS so that they could "hint" that I surely had sex in my wife's empty bed. All in less than 5 minutes with two "lead suspects" and a club performer who brought along her 49 year old 'aunt' and her 22 year old 'sister', for protection from this "old man" I assume; protection was needed on this visit, I assume because the performer didn't know me THAT well.

The police report clearly stated that the stolen items were "in the 2nd drawer of a file cabinet in THE DEN and OFFICE. Some say Buedel is an honest reporter. if so, he evidently can't read very well. Facts prove he is a liar even lying saying I 'stepped down', dictionary says stepping down is resigning, before my third term as a Peoria County Board member was completed. I had publicly stated that I would not seek a fourth term 2 1/2 years before my elected term ended..

There was no sexual act or any talk about sex during their approximate 25 minute visit. Nor were they shown our two bedrooms as the police report clearly showed. And if I wanted to see a naked woman, Any adult can see a naked woman anytime of the day at Big Al's. For free.  Like so many prominent Peorians, one is extremely worried that I might drop his name as I would have never gone to Club Cabaret if I hadn't been invited to lunch by acquaintances, do and more prominent visitors who live outside of Peoria look forward to a Big Al's or Club Caberet visit.  Big Al's is a major attraction and one of the reasons some conventions are held in Peoria and East Peoria in case the reader is not aware of that. Otherwise, why would the City Fathers, give the Big Al's owner $11 million to relocate without any public protests?

So this MAJOR story, a theft I reported to the police, and was mishandled by the Chief's Detective Roger Martin, a subject I will cover later, ended up as Peoria thefts usually do with no found stolen merchandise  (I circulated a $4,000 reward with a picture of the necklace) the law said they visited local pawn shops, I had ALREADY DONE THAT, culminates at this point with State Farm promptly presenting a $2400.00 Homeowner check, with my wife on the wagon and seeking help for her alcohol related illness and trying to regain all the weight she had lost over the last couple of years.  We both love each other dearly (ask her) and both understand that we are not perfect people as my critics pretend to be.

So this an update on a story that would have never made the news if I wasn't a "prominent" person who the JS dislikes (ever since I opposed the 'highway to Chicago boondoggle and defeated JSEB favorite, county Board incumbent, Zan Ransburg. Zan is wife of former Mayor Dave Ransburg, Chairman of the PRM Committee, and a community leader who promised two years ago to raise over $10 million personally for the museum but has as yet raised hardly $1 million to the 'boondoogle on the riverfront'.

More at a later date how law enforcement mishandled this MAJOR THEFT.


Merle Widmer said...

Oh, yeah, the $1,400,000.00 is fiction. If the JS can print fiction and get paid for it, so can I only I won't get paid for this blog.

Merle Widmer said...

With the Journal Star printing under a bankrupt owner, it is a known reason that this newspaper needs to act like the rags usually found at the check-out stations of local grocery stores.

I don't subscribe to this rag anymore. Did the JS make this bankrupcy a lead article? If so, it was obligatory. If not, why not?