We have a President who has a realist view of the entire world. And turning thee other check is no longer an option.He sure doesn't live in an 'Ivory Tower'. Too many people live in 'Ivory Towers'. I first heard that term when I was Assistant Manager in Dallas-Fort Worth and New Mexico when my boss told me that our top managment lived in Ivory Towers in New York. Who sas that company? Sperry Rand.
Ever hear of them today? Well, you won't be hearing much about any Ivory Tower people in the not too distant future. Realism may somedaystrike these dreamers as it has in Peoria, Il., but it will be too late.
Just like it was for once the greatest leader in technology and today virtually extinct. Your comment on Nort Korea's leader probably could have been worded better but the people who live under him must have thought, like in Germany under Hitler, that he is a great leader.
They allowed a small group to grow and put him in power.
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