Friday, January 12, 2018

President of the U.S.A. Tells Kim Hung Up, That His Button Is Bigger

You know what the wimps, sheep and 'bleeding hearts' would have said. Oh, please, Kim, don't pull the trigger. In real life when that kind of statememt is heard, the 'trigger' gets pulled.

President Trump is a street fighter. He doesn't back down to threats when he knows he has the 'upper hand'. When he and his country our threatened and do not have the 'upper hand', he tries his best to reinforce our position, both at home and in the world.

Obama did and always will back down. It's being proven if one is reading the facts and not the crap dished out thru CNN and Rachel Maddow and their ilk, Maddow could have been a ranking officer, if born in Germany in the 30's or earky 40's.

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