Friday, January 12, 2018

Congress People Say Immigrants From Countries With Extreme Needs and Poverty Make Big Contributions Here

My question. Rather than critizing our President for saying WHAT IS REALLY THE TRUTH, why don't they go back to their roots with the wealth they made here and contribute the skills you learned here to country of their origin who have extreme needs, like Haiti, Cuba, Mexico and El Salvador, instead of blocking the mind boggling efforts being made to right a sinking ship by President Donald Trump.

Vulgarity?? It is evident way to many people in control of this country don't visit the libraries they fund with taxpayers dollars. All the books are open to all ages and describe any vulgar word or vulgar act can be found in any private or public library.

Like 50 different words to describe a penis in one book. The chapter is called "John's Penis".

Oh well,  let them rant and rave like sensationalists which most of them really are instead  of getting back to doing the things they were elected to do. Support our President, who is trying to call what we used to say, "If it looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck, It Proberly is a Duck".

To our President, 'call 'em like you sees 'em .Few have had the courge to do so and that is why the world is in ths shape it is in. You knew the mess you inherited by about 18-20 years of poor leaership. To wake up this country to the mess it is in is why you threw your hat in the ring in the first place.

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