Monday, October 21, 2013

Obama Says and He Says and He Says and He Says...........

He says he is disappointed, and says he is disappointed and says he is disappointed. Well, he was and is the Major Domo and he led his band over a cliff. What a bullshit artist. Fortunately, I pegged him correctly 6 years ago. But I don't count because people don't usually like people who are right. Oh, and I also invited an unknown thief to my house and when things evidently disappeared, I did my citizens duty to report a theft. The Urinal Star blew the story to embarrass me into national magnitude to cover up their inability to properly report the real local news.

And Detective Roger Martin did not do his job. More on this later.

Don't worry, since I spend the majority of my time on perpetual vacation, certainly not in the JS's target range, they can continue to pick on others that they don't like. I no longer read the JS or the US or much care what stories they tell. Maybe believing that attendance at the PRM ia going to go gangbusters. The obituaries and the sports page I sometimes miss. But at my age I've outlived most of my real friends so they are not in the obits. I only wish I could outlive Obama or at least see his efforts to change the law to run for a third term. There may be enough intelligence in DC to stop him but don't count on it.

And oh, yes, please call 8003182596 if you have a legal interpreter by your side to help when the robot answerer starts to HELP.

Back to Obama. Would he get reelected?  Yes, or did my readers forget about the felon mayor of DC? And Blago, where 30% said in a survey they would vote for him again for public office when he gets pardoned by the Democrat power structure.


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