Friday, February 05, 2010

Thoughts on Recent County Board Happenings

When enough bureaucratic prestige has been invested in a project, it is easier to see it fail, than to abandon it. Facts also do not cease to exist, just because they are ignored. I have no problem when workers control the unions. I have a problem when the union controls the worker. Samuel Gompers argued passionately that no one should be forced to join the union.

These are all quotes attributed to many others. I just thought they are appros to the museum and the Peoria County asphalt ordinance.


Karrie E. Alms said...

Self-deception at work .... the problem of not knowing, and resisting the possibility, that one has a problem.

Anonymous said...

Michael Weibring writes

at least they know they are not as clever as their egos might lead them to believe

and one day in the future it will catch up with them and be hated by all