Except the good, brave, common sense, and outspoken politicians of which there appear to be less and less especially among the Democrats. And many Republicans.
Back in 1980, in an article written by Rick Baker, long deceased author and columnist for the Journal Star wrote a lengthy column about my efforts to collect about $4000 legally owed me by the now going bankrupt State of Illinois. If anyone cares to look it up, Rick titled his column, "GUESS WHO LOSES...Peoria Businessman Tackles State Over Unpaid Bill, dated May 21, 1980.
Baker wrote, "Widmer is by no means alone. While a spokesman for the Court of Appeals said he couldn't provide a dollar figure for the number of claims backlogged in the system, it was indicated to be in the millions, An assistant attorney general with the Court of Claims, said, 'The businessmen are dealing with a large bureaucracy. They should be aware of this when dealing with the state. As the bureaucracy grows constantly...,"
My representative to Springfield, long deceased Mary Lou Sumner of Dunlap, one of those types of politicians I mentioned in the first paragraph, first sentence, helped me take my plea to a hearing on the subject representing all who where having problems being paid by the state. Eventually, an attorney from Chicago came to my aid and at no charge helped me collect my money.
So here it is 32 years later, the government bureaucracy continues to grow at an accelerated pace and I still have a low tolerance for fools in any way connected to the public body. Or for the private sector.
I failed to mention, I took my case to then Governor James R. Thompson, who answered me politiely in a letter I have retained, that he could not help ,me because that "Under the present law, you must proceed thru the Court of Claims.......
I add that the law was eventually changed. I hope but I do not know because shortly thereafter, I ceased doing business with the State of Illinois. Presently, I fear there are many business people who wish they had never obligated themselves to be paid by this state; I've read over $6 billion in backlogged payments.
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