Monday, July 16, 2018

My Arrest - Found Not Guilty - Arrest Record Sealed Forever by the State of Florida - End of Sad Story? - NO

After talking to Jim Stowell, I now believe the sequence of events that led to the publication of my phony arrest in 13 different news media in the Peoria area within 2 days of the unfortunate events are as follows: Jerry Stowell, a Middle-School teacher in Sarasota, forwarded by enail ( I have a copy)) this information to his brother Jim Stowell in Peoria. Jim immediately forwarded this 'news/' to blogger Billy Dennis, now deceased. Dennis apparently knew he had a news scoop that would help his flagging career and he was the one who did Jim and Jerry's dirty work.

Jim was aware of this because he told me he thought the story was "funny" and Dennis would think it was funny,too,

As noted before, the Stowell's had a grudge against me. Not Joe Stowell, Sr. who remains my friend today.

This unfortunate story remains on the Internet. It would cost me approx, $6,000 to have these removed. I hope some to these outlets would have the courtesy to remove my false arrest.

This is the end of this sad and not 'funny' story,

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