Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Wise Nowlans Gather Up 380,000 Signatures - Here is the "Rest of the Story"

Of the 380,000 petitioners, 379,999 were Democrats. One Republican was Ray LaHood. 30,000 were illegally in this country, 70,000 were on welfare, 97,000 didn't vote in November, 8200 were duplicates or one friend signing for another, 200,000 were women, 21,000 were students who should be learning how to work instead of being taught by liberal left-wing teachers how to protest anything that isn't sponsored by a Democrat, 3999 were members of the teachers union, 2200 were employed by the left-leading liberal news medias, and a large number were protesters who couldn't even hold a job if it weren't for 'diversity and equal (ha) opportunity'. Did I mention the Nowlans are #5 hard core Democrats who have left Illinois in financial, infrastructure, crime and corruption trouble??

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