Thursday, February 16, 2017

An Answer to Former City Councilman Jim Bateman

Yes, Jim, I was and am a Trump supporter even though what you sob about would REALLY be bad if the corrupt, lying Clinton's had been elected. I remember you as an ineffectual Peoria City Councilman with a large mouth from which came little substance. Still true. And a hard core #4 Democrat. Quit crying and accept the truth. Trump has a big ego and I agree he believes "my way or the highway" when that stance needs to be taken. This country was looking for a strong leaders who critiqued, insulting some, people to their faces instead of the usual political way of criticizing behind other leaders's backs. Womanizer? Use Bill Clinton' question, what is the 'definition of oral sex'? Clinton ranked right up there as a real 'womanizer' with the Kennedy's, FDR and MLK as role models but all Democrats loved these Democrat boys who would 'just be boys'.

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