Saturday, December 08, 2012

Union Power Diminished Nationwide

It is not that the majority of people oppose unions.

I do not.

It is that most large unions, like some large tort corporations, have been abusing their powers.

Too much union thuggery as again witnessed in Michigan, too much Democrat political payback for union support, too many corrupt and powerful union bosses from local business managers to top leaders like Trumka.

Too much Obamaism seeking a forced spreading of the wealth as long as the spreaders get more of the "spread" than others,  a general apathy of the citizenry (at last becoming alarmed), have been major factors in the quickening slide to socialism in this country.

I believe the majority of common sense and moderate voters are now speaking up and are being heard and will be more awakened and more involved in the happenings, that they are beginning to see are not in the best interests of themselves, their families and this great nation.

Most of us are excited about Michigan becoming the 24th "right to work" (RTW) state.

Another move to regain some of the freedoms that have been and are being taken away by the present administration and  Democrat leadership. (And too many short sighted or greedy Republicans) The battle to regain and even maintain our rightful freedoms is far from over.

I asked Democrat leader Dick Durbin if Illinois will soon be forced to become a Right To Work state. As typical, I am still waiting for a reply. Illinois, perhaps not Michigan now, maybe Detroit though, is forefront to be another Titanic.

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