Friday, October 08, 2010

Tennis Competition - Peoria Public Schools

A couple of weeks ago I reported the the Peoria High Girls tennis team lost to Richwoods 108-1. Since then "intense training", show up to practice, a coach with renewed "vigor" raised the level of these ladies game so that their loss this week to Pekin was much closer; 108-7.


Meanwhile, Manual High lost to Richwoods 108-6.

No, I am not making fun of these lopsided scores. I am criticizing the District for the policy of hiring whoever wants to make an additional $1500 or so while padding their pensions. Coaching training and experience is not a requirement. Practice is called but not required. Showing up for the bus trip presumably with a racket is all that is required to play. And bus rides to distant places to play are fun!

#150 warts to save money? Take these apparently unpopular minor sports and turn them into some sort of after school intra-mural programs. Of course that would not be considered because everything that Richwoods, Dunlap and say, Metamora, who have programs run by coaches who at least were fairly proficient in playing the game and who hold regular practices; in the theory that equal services must be offered to schools even though the kids and their "coaches" apparently have no interest in minor sports.

So tell me how does it help self-esteem to have the entire team win 8 games while losing 216 games? What does it benefit the two teams that win 216 against no competition? Exercise? If running after loose balls is called exercise, each school can plan after school activities that include running and swinging their arms without need of a bus and driver.

And save the embarrassment for players and their parents on both the winning and losing teams.

Who does it benefit? The "coaches" who are paid and add to their already substantial pensions. In the meantime there are experienced volunteer coaches who would strike a little enthusiasm for the game in these girls and do it for free. Members of the school board have know this for a long time and the schools have used volunteer coaches at Richwoods and Woodruff.

Face the problem. Neither the board, the union or administration has any interest in minor sports or after-school intra-mural type programs where a lot more than 8 0r 9 kids or fewer can participate.

Cost of a bus, fuel and driver would also be eliminated.

What a shame. And more shameful is the amount of free time kids have these days with little work ethic being taught in public schools. Lot's of time to get willing girls pregnant; a very large problem in the City.

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