Thursday, September 02, 2010

"Opponents are nit-picking museum efforts"

So says Gary Panetta, JS columnist. Go to Gary's site and see what he wrote and what Karrie Alms and I answered for the "truth" nit-picking of this museum fiasco. Some writers on the JS have sometimes not been bothered to look up facts or let facts get in there way when trying to "make the news" rather than report it.

You should know why 24 County Board and City Council voted for the project. Sure, my educated "speculation". You need to understand that once people are elected to office they burst with ways to spend your money. Look no further than Peoria, than Springfield and then Washington, D.C. When an elected official brags about saving a taxpayer money, they mean they now have more money to spend.

To say that "special interests" didn't enter into the vote, you must remember that the unions "pledged about $600,000" to the museum in return for the use of all union labor. Also, that 12 members of the County Board are Democrats with union bosses Marty Clinch and Mike Everett sitting looking at these Democrats at every meeting.

Republican Stephen Morris was named a committee Chair and already Democrat "appointed to chair" of the Land Use committee, Carol Trumpe, was named to the museum construction board.

Republican Baietto, big supporter of IHSA who donated $2. something million of taxpayer dollars to the project and and Democrat appointed Judicial Chairman.

Did I see City Councilwoman, Van Auken, almost weep when her accolades about Mayor Ardis's leadership for the "yes" vote or "Jimmy", as she called him, almost caused her to weep? And for me (and some others) watching, to almost throw up.

The politics of this whole mishandled museum project is enough to make sane person ill.

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