Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Video Gaming Ban May Return

"Peoria County county considers new ordinance that would apply to 53 taverns and businesses", so writes Karen McDonald of the JS. Board member Carol Trumpe says, "
I think we should at least discuss it. What you don't see is what it costs on the other side. People that gamble away money and families are left short. People least likely to afford it are the ones who are going to participate". Board member Allen Mayer "wants potential revenue information included in the study". What study, Allen? Peoria County has 18 board members, an administrative staff at least double the size since I was elected, numerous other elected officials yet we are constantly conducting studies and hiring consultants.

As a County Board member, I point out that gambling is rampant in Illinois starting with the worst legal gambling system; that being the Illinois Lottery. What about the "riverboat" (joke) casino's? Most Peoria Board members would have preferred it to be in Peoria County rather than East Peoria and if it were in Peoria County few voters would vote to close it. What about gambling out on Dries Lane and growing on-line betting? And people gambling on the stock market? Think the market is not a gamble? Think again.

Bill Fleming is right. Always pick on the little guy and look the other way when it is someone big and powerful doing the same thing on a mu8ch larger scale. Fleming says "it's not a matter of potential revenue. Rather, it is about taking away the rights of business owners. We're living in a socialist state (and country, I add). They can write those laws until the cows come home. There are certain things in life people are going to do: drink, smoke, gamble and have sex. This (situation of controlling our lives) is out of control".

Bill, you are right and as a County Board Member, I stand with you. Fundamentalism and increasing government control over the people is already rampant in Peoria County and the nation. If these do-gooders want to control actions that are immoral why don't they start with stopping subsidizing everybody with taxpayer dollars, usually not their own, who come with their hands out? Stop competing against the private sector with taxpayer dollars. Name a few government programs where the government is doing it better than the private sector could? Government controlled failures are rampant, start with trying to control peoples sex lives, the drug programs are mostly a massive costly expenditure. More and more people are going back on welfare because no one taught them how to work. Don't blame business for all the current sad financial situations we are in. I still do not know of any government employee in the whole of Peoria County that has been laid off or fired in 2009 or any our public bodies combining or closing down because of the recession. If my reader does, tell me on this site.

I hope someone forwards this blog to Bill Fleming as I do not play videos or frequent taverns. This is my choice. If the government tried to tell me I couldn't, I probably would.



Pammy said...

For what it's worth, I completely agree. However, as for your comment:

"I still do not know of any government employee in the whole of Peoria County that has been laid off or fired in 2009 or any our public bodies combing or closing down because of the recession. If my reader does, tell me on this site."

The Peoria City/County Health Department just recently fired two employees that were on probation. Most of us believe, perhaps wrongly so, that it wouldn't have happened had the financial situation not been so bad. They also laid off 4 other employees and are warning of more.

Part of this is because of the mess on the state level...grants not being awarded and so forth. But part of it is also because of the dire predictions for the county.

Merle Widmer said...


Thanks for your information. I never want any one to lose their job if they are doing the job they were hired to do. At my board level, I never hear much of the what is happening at the Peoria County Health Dept. Other than the minutes of the meeting.

Our committee meetings are open to the public and I wish more people would attend and comment.