Sunday, June 04, 2006

Part 4 - Extremist Environmentalists

To quote from the Editors of the WSJ “No doubt the greens have succeeded in promoting higher environmental standards, which in turn have contributed to cleaner air water and land. But environmental activists don’t want to believe their own success, much less advertise it. They need another looming catastrophe to stay relevant, not to mention to keep raising money.” According to the EPA, since 1970, carbon emissions are down 55%, particulate emissions are down 80%, sulfur dioxide emissions are down 80% and lead emissions have declined by 98% despite the doubling the vehicles on the road and tripling the number of miles driven. In the 1970’s the greens were predicting mass starvation, overpopulation and global cooling. Since then population growth estimates have come way down, biotechnology advances have found more ways to feed people than the doomsayers believed possible and global cooling has become a global warming crisis. The greens haven’t missed a beat to talking up scares that never come to pass. Al Gore, environmentalist conscience-in-chief, attempting to find credibility for another campaign run, says Katrina “may have been the first sip of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us over and over again until we act on the truth we have wished would go away.” Mr. Gore borrowed that statement from Winston Churchill who correctly described the Nazi menace in the 1930’s. Mr. Gore is welcome to borrow my extensive files on what went wrong in the gulf including an excellent article titled “Debunking Katrina Myths”, what really happened and what to do next time, in Popular Mechanics March 2006 issue.

For Earth Day, Vanity Fair, a liberal magazine published 246 pages of celebrity worship and environmental apocalypse including computer generated images of New York under water and the Washington Mall as one big reflecting pool. The credibility of some prominent environmentalists becomes more questionable every day. They mount full scale demonization of anyone who doubts that the “end is near”. Certain greens would rather not debate the “evidence” at all and merely invoke some “consensus” that everyone allegedly knows to be true.

Any student of the environment knows that the world has had climate changes in its entire history. Approximately 10,000 years ago parts of the northern half of the U.S. was covered with glacial ice. Duh?? Deserts in the west show aquatic remains high on banks where there is no recorded history of the presence of water. Our teacher taught us that we would all “breath easier” (the title of the WSJ article I quote) when we got older if we didn’t smoke. She was an environmentalist with common sense. She didn’t know about cancer but she knew smoking could kill you and of course it does kill. Thank God that she and people like my parents passed on the common sense I try to use today. And no I don’t “suffer fools gladly” and if more people were like me stood up and be counted, we with common sense would have less fools to suffer.

I’ve never been much for cliques nor did I “run in packs”. I have always read, listened and observed to arrive at my own decisions and still do so at my older age today.

Hope you find my blogs informative. More to come on this environmental series and probably some local information may become public in the near future.

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