Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Black NFL Players Big Charitable Givers??

I'll bet proportionately that little people like me have given a lot more charity work than the great majority of those big 'earners'. INCLUDING MONEY. And the PRO's get publicity every time they do a 'charitable' deed. Little people like me proportionately, do not seek or get publicity.

Few professional athletes vote. And a recent study shows 83% use pot. They surely can afford something with more kick to it. Americans and Canadians are the biggest illegal drug users, (cocaine) is very big among big money people like those in some PRO sports, in cities like New, York, Chicago and (LA) Hollywood. in the Western Hemisphere.

Role models in the NFL and NBA are few. Then there are people like 'Boo' Curly Johnson, who is a true Black role model.

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