Hundreds of professional protesters were bused in to various big cities where illegals are mainly based. According to Ed Klein, more than 3,million illegals voted for Hillary. I knew this would happen. And Trump still won and may have even won the popular vote despite the over balance of Democrat voters and illegals in cites like Chicago, San Francisco, New York and Baltimore.
Absolutely false. HERE is Google street view of this site:,-87.6391274,3a,75y,3.58h,82.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgO48KU1LNng-Y5nOGP8Pnw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
This was taken MONTHS before the election was even decided. This is the only area that allows buses to park in Chicago while they wait for their groups. No integrity or even a phone call to Peoria Charter.
Jake, Whose integrity? Are you questioning mine? Ed Klein posted this and I copied and said "MAY". I have printed your comment. Thanks for straightening out.
Democrats are mentors in mis-leading information. You saw it all through the campaign. I'm super glad Trump won. Hope you are too.
HAD protesters wanted to rent a bus from your company to take them to a [protest site, I'm not sure your company would have the LEGAL right to turn them down. They might have said they just wanted to go and see the action???
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