Thursday, May 01, 2014

Sotomayor - Leading Socialist on the Supreme Court & the Affirmative Action Supreme Court Decision.

Sotomayor, abetted by Socialist Columnist Gene Robinson; Robinson, a Peoria Journal Star favorite, raves and rants about the recent Supreme Court ruling  that as columnist Charless Krauthammer, a true American citizen, so succinctly phrased it "let the people decide on affirmative action. Not the courts or our business. We will not ban affirmative action but we will not impose it  as Sotomayar (and her ilk, my comment) would do The Constitution foresees the ballot box, not the courts,as the normal instrument for resolving differences and debate about the merits of this type of program".

The vote was 6-2 with Robinson quickly blaming Chief Justice John Robert for the decision. It was liberal Justice Stephen Breyer who made the statement after the vote to "let the people decide what the Constitution already has made clear".

Sotomayor is relatively young. The damage she will do in her lifetime on decisions adversely affecting this country is not difficult to image. She further continues with her half-truths or far worse, "Race matters to a young mans view of society when he spends his teenage years watching other "tense" up as he passes by, no matter the neighborhood in which he grew up. Race matters to a young woman when she states her hometown, and then is pressed , "No where are you really from"?... Race matters because of the slights, the snickers, the silent judgments that reinforce the most crippling of thoughts: "I do not belong here."

There will always be bigots. Period. These few look down on all people who they think they are better than regardless of race. My own experience is that young black gang member, when passing a white, grab their crotches and avoid eye contact. All visitors to the the warm states ask the emigrants the question of these ex-snowbirds, "Where are you really from"? A slight? Bullshit!!

Tense up? Yes, I sometimes "tense" up when I come in contact with certain  low-life's white or black or whatever,

I don't agree with the Clippers basketball team owner and I'm glad to see him banished and forced to sell his team. Nor do I agree with the STATEMENTS rancher Bundy made to the public. Nor do I agree with what black tax-cheater Charles Rangel, Harry Reed, President Obama, the Jesse Jackson types, Nancy Peolsi, Ms.Waters a real Socialist from California, and a whole basket of truth-stretchers, outright liars, belligerent unions, and arrogant politicians of any race.

And I seldom agree with Peoria Journal Star regulars like Socialists, Robinson and  other black Socialistic writers.

More blacks are feeling they are real people like me every day. As long as we have leadership from our public schools and liberal colleges teaching the supposed unfairness of life to blacks, we will always have ethnic groups, the most vocal are black, shouting racism at every small slight.

I suggest of these pseudo-racist believers read the book, "The Price of Silence" . The Duke Lacrosse scandal, the power of the elite and the corruption of our great universities,  by William D. Cohan. About schools like Dartmouth, Yale, Harvard, Wesleyan University, Amherst, etc.and how many of our youths are encouraged to embrace socialism, taught to lie drink heavily, use drugs, where sex and gayness is rampant as is the promotion of forms of racism.

The key characters in this book are the rape accuser and  black murderer, Crystal Gail Magnum, white  Durham County District Attorney, Mike Nifong and or course, Duke University.


Anonymous said...

"I suggest of these pseudo-racist believers read the book, "The Price of Silence" "

May I suggest one of the other books about the case, instead? Cohan appears to have omitted more than he included.

(His book does not even mention Durham police chief Chalmers, whose daughter Nifong arrested; he gives slight coverage to the part played by many local figures in the attempt to convict three students for a crime which never happened (such as Joyner, Barber, Bell, and Baker);

and three figures he cited (state investigators Coman and Winsted, and R. K. Steel) have already said he misrepresented their positions or what they said.)

And he gives credence to much of the versions proffered by Nifong and Mangum, without rebuttal.

In all, a shallow, evidently biased, attempt at revisionist history, imho.

Merle Widmer said...

What other book or books are you suggesting I read on the subject? Where does Cohan say he "misrepresented" the positions of Coman and Winstead, and Robert Steel, who was Chairman of Duke University Board of Directors?

In 600 pages, Cohan included a lot of facts parents should know about happenings when kids get away from home.

Anonymous said...

There are several books on the case, the most prominent being "Until Proven Innocent", by Taylor and Johnson.

Taylor and Johnson have both reviewed Cohan's book unfavorably, (in Commentary Magazine, and on Real Clear Politics) and Johnson has eviscerated it on his blog, Durham-in-wonderland.

Others are "It's not about the truth", by (Coach) Pressler

"A Rush to Injustice", and "Race to Injustice".

All are much more specific and detailed than Cohan's book.

Coman, Winstead and Steel, now claim that Cohan misrepresented them in his book (he never even contacted the first two).

Cohan relies on contemporary media accounts for much of his book, and by doing so he simply repeats their distortions and hype (for example, his opening description of the lacrosse player's "wild" party is simply a prosecution fantasy).

Btw,the players were not stereotypes. There were players on the team who were teetotal, who were evangelical Christians, and who weren't but who didn't drink anything at that party.

The father of one of the accused was raised by a black family. The father of another was born poor but used his fortune later in supporting black education and medical clinics in Africa.

The team was described in an article in Duke Magazine, a few months before the case, as being "unknown and unheard of" on campus; but the article said their anonymity
was good for their academic work (in which, btw, they led all other teams in their ACC division).

But it was so much easier for Cohan just to pull out the template and avoid talking about actual problems with Durham, North Carolina, Duke, media hype, and prosecutorial abuse--all of which are the real problems behind the lacrosse case.

Merle Widmer said...

To be fair to author Cohan, I believe MANY Duke graduates, students, parents, supporters were unhappy with Cohans 600 page descriptive book. I know of no lawsuits filed against this writing of Cohans' and I hope there are no other schools that would allow a guy in a regular classroom to pull out his "johnson" and whip it across his desk.

The book says a female student who gave her name later publicly described her sexual contacts in great detail with the 'whipper" after seeing his "johnson".

You doubt that Duke students didn't and don't hold "wild' parties??
