Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Peoria City Council - Buy Water Company And Earn the City $40 million a Year???

So says Thomas D. Flege, a local insurance executive. Is this guy drinking the same Kool-Aid as the 2 Bradley professors who insisted that the new Peoria River Front Museum (PRM) would add $16 million dollars a year to the local economy? Mr. Flege wrote this exciting information in a recent letter to the editors of the Peoria Journal Star (JSEB).

Mr. Flege may be a nice guy but he doesn't understand revenues and expenses or profit or loss nor has he done much research. If should arrive at a City Council meeting with a White Board and markers to show us all how he arrived at $40 million net profit per year if only the Council was smart enough to buy the water company. I suggest he run for the council board or better yet, run for Mayor as I suspect Mayor Jim Ardis has had enough abuse from our local National Enquirer and the enemies you make by serving the public in a leadership role.

All I can say, is go for it Tom. But don't count om vote.. It's a BIG difference to convince people to buy (term life is the way to go) insurance than to run a government body. And I suggest you read my 15 or more researched blogs on the subject, most of them under the title of "Waterlogged) dated  from 2005- 2014..

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