Sunday, September 08, 2013

Syria - Vote Out Any and All Who Support the Syrian Folly

From the Western PAC. Merle

Dear Patriot,
You've been watching the developing situation with the Syria vote, and you know that momentum is on our side. Only 6 of the 50 current Senate candidates support intervention in Syria, and 224 representatives are reported as voting no.  We've got 170 representatives listed as undecided, and that's where you come in with your support.  
We've been mounting a letter writing campaign to Congress, with great effect.  Every dollar donated has enabled us to put 5 Americans in contact with their congressional representatives and senators to send a message to Obama: the days of blank checks for presidential excess with our military are over.  You can send your letters for free by clicking here.
We're fighting to have a Congress that does its job, by insisting that a president make his case to the American people and their elected representatives BEFORE committing our fighting men and women to his personal vendettas. Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to intervention in Syria because President Obama has not proven his case to the people or their elected representatives.  
In fact, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, has been arguing against intervention in Syria for months to Congress. He's warned against intervention, because he understands as a soldier the difficulty of getting out of Syria once we're in Syria.  The only ally President Obama has in Syria are the Al Qaeda allied rebels.  
It's time to keep the heat on, and it's time to put a stop to President Obama's endless, irresponsible, and unconstitutional gambles with our military and its personnel.  Your donation will help us continue to send the message to Congress that enough is enough.

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