Thursday, July 05, 2012

Perry Klopfenstein - Good Friend and Author

This is an email I received from Perry recently. Scroll to below this email for the names of the books and comments in one of the books about our relationship.


Merle,, Special best wishes!

Today Carol and I observed 35 years of being in business at Pontiac, a store we purchased from you. Thank you for selling it to me, and helping me get established. At 73, I am still eager to work, and plan to continue on. I jog each morning, seven days per week, and seem to be in good health. Carol and I will celebrate 40 years of marriage, on July 30, the good Lord willing.

So...I thought of you and your wife today, several times, since my mind went back many years. I am glad I bought the store. The cost? I only paid for the inventory! You were very generous; and helpful. I still think of the advice you gave me -- especially to look over an office, and see what they need. In Fairbury yesterday, I noted a fertilizer office using a scale ticket. I asked if I could bid on it. Sure enough, they consented willingly. :-)



Perry's first book, written in 1984 is titled, "Marching to Zion" - A history of the Apostolic Christian Church of America 1847-1982. The 2nd book is titled, "A Pilgrim's Journey" and there are a couple of pages devoted to a thumbnail sketch of how our relationship started and the success Perry attributes to my help to him in his ongoing business career.


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