I bought a new HP 2000-369WM Notebook PC with Windows 7 .
I've had to adjust to a few things, so that's why I have not posted to my blog recently, but now I'm back.
Steven Streight came over today and helped me fix some browser and Blogger interface issues. He gave my blog a new design, with new background, new header, width adjustments, sidebar widgets ("gadgets"), and a new list of Recommended Reading blogs.
If you need help with your blog, social media, website, internet marketing, or computer, Steven can be reached through me, or directly at:
Steven Streight
steven [dot] streight [at] gmail [dot] com
(309) 686-7102
You can expect my normal blogging schedule to kick in. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
You can expect my normal blogging schedule to kick in. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
And your new theme for your blog looks great, too!
Congratulations! The HP 2000-369WM Notebook PC’s processing speed is pretty fast. The laptop boots quickly and its battery life lasts longer than 6 hours. The overall body of the laptop is well-built and it looks like a good deal, don’t you think? How has it been working? Anyway, hope you’ll update us more about it next time. :)
Cody Pruneda
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