Friday, March 04, 2011

Absurd Pensions in the Public Sector

Since I write often about how pensions such as handed out by Peoria City Council members and Mayors and District #150 over the years, you might wonder what's my pension. $113 a month. Total. Somehow I get by quite well. Don't tell me I don't deserve my Social Security. I paid into it and expected it would be invested. Instead, our (citizen servants) politicians abetted by greedy business people, special interests and lobbyists, both for the public and private sector, bet you didn't didn't know Peoria County and Peoria City both have well paid lobbyists in Washington asking for more taxpayer dollars to spend, spent it. (I was the only no vote) As to Medicare, I didn't create the system. When it came time to vote most of these politicians out of office, I had little choice; McCain vs. Obama, Kerry vs. George W. Bush, (I held my nose shut and voted for George), Clinton, Nixon, etc. As to governors of the once great State of Illinois, not one was qualified since maybe Edgar.

Look at your next property tax bill (only approximately 50% of the households in the City of Peoria pay property taxes) You might be shocked.

Rather than blogging today I would rather be in Madison supporting Governor Walker. If you wonder why, read on and increase your knowledge and perhaps, interest, in what is the real issue in Madison which is the unions fear of losing power in the only sector they control, the PUBLIC sector.

And Detroit.


cbd said...

#1 Merle: "Don't tell me I don't deserve my Social Security. I paid into it and expected it would be invested."

#2 Teacher, firefighter, social worker, etc: "Don't tell me I don't deserve my public sector pension. I paid into it and expected it would be invested."

Given that you made argument #1, why not #2?

Merle Widmer said...


Everyone who had SS deducted from their paychecks, should be entitled to receiving monthly SS checks when they meet qaulifications.

I understand in the State of Illinois, teachers do not receive SS checks on retirement. Did they pay for SS while teaching? If so, they deserve checks same as I.

Firefighters, social workers didn't have payroll deductions for SS? If they didn't, why would they receive benefits? If they did, they absolutely should draw monthly checks after meeting qualifications.

I don't understand your question??