Thursday, July 01, 2010

Drug Legalization - National Debate Needed Now

Merle, hope you're doing well. Your blog is the fire, keep educating your readers and maybe more will wake up. I'll try to be brief, concerning our citys drug related violence. It reminds my grandmother of the prohibition era, thugs provided the product in demand for profit. Organized crime continues to fund and supply drugs to street dealers, the gangs. Theirs and Americans addiction is not subsiding, as usage increases yearly. Incarceration is not the answer, as most released eventually return. Apparently, the known profits outweigh the risk of serving prison time. And while imprisoned, young offenders become "owned" by the mob, mentored by lifelong criminals, then released to continue their trade. There are many who believe our war on drugs has failed miserably, considering the multitude of resources expended. I don't think more milllions of $$ will have much effect and neither does L.E.A.P., Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Its members consist of prior Judges, police, attorneys, narc agents, and FBI. Investigate this foundation, educational and worth the time. produces a dvd, 10 Rules for Dealing with Police that everyone needs to see and heed, especially youth. If you would want a copy of "10 Rules" I'd be glad to get one to you. And please look at LEAP, its founder is relation, Jack Cole.

Best Regards,

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