Sunday, June 12, 2005

Speed and Fuel Costs

I’ve traveled about 900 miles in my car over the past two weeks. I set my speed control at 68 miles per hour which seems like I’m hardly moving. I guess I’m not. I started to keep track the number of vehicles passing me and lost track after 125 passed me in a stretch from Edwardsville to Morton. I calculate 85 % of the people were exceeding the speed limit by up to 20 miles per hour. How can I feel bad about gas prices if these speeders don’t? Also, two new motor sport tracks are being built within driving distance of Peoria. Wonder if anyone ever figured out the number of gallons of gas and oil spent each year on just racing? Fuel wasted by driving in excessive speeds, would greatly lower the demand. As long as demand keeps increasing so will prices. Old law of supply and demand. I don’t feel sorry for any of you race fans, racers and speeders when you complain about the high cost of fuel. Sorry.

No wonder over 43,000 people are killed each year in just AUTOMOBILE accidents and 3 million injured. Go ahead and kill yourself, just don’t kill or maim other innocent people.

And we complain about deaths and injuries in Iraq. We should complain, because we weren’t properly prepared to win the peace. Many leaders should have been dismissed or demoted but apparently weren’t. At least there is a cause in Iraq that may be in question, at least people are dying and being injured for a CAUSE. As a democracy, we do have a right to chose new leaders. We hope democracy will have greater success in the Middle East due to the “price” our people and their people are paying, But we do have some choices to change things in politics when change is needed if we get off our a—pathy.


Anonymous said...

Sprawl contributes more to fuel dependence and waste than a few MPHs more. If you really want to make a difference in fuel consumption put an end to sprawl. As a County Board member you can make a difference.

Merle Widmer said...

There is no stronger advocate don the County Board for controlled growth than myself. I am a student of sprawl and with the help of others on the board we will no longer allow any new small gouping of homes that are not served by public water and public sewer systemn. My vote and some of my statements have been reported correctly in the JS.