Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Illegal Use of Journal Star Logo??

All right, all right, I’m sorry but I overlooked a quote on election day in the JS that is attributed to Jack Brimeyer, Managing Editor of the Journal Star . Brimeyer is quoted as saying “the newspaper will consult with its lawyers regarding use of the Journal Star logo in this flier and other campaign literature. In my 20-some years here, I’ve never seen a candidate (Ricca Slone) use the Journal Star’s logo so blatantly.” Well, Jack, I say you and your Editorial Board must have forgotten about my campaign for the Peoria County Board in 2000 (which I won despite being assassinated by the Journal Editorial Board three times) in which my opponent blatantly used your logo, “JOURNAL STAR, a Copley Newspaper, Peoria, Illinois, U.S.A., Journal Star October 24, 2000” on both sides of the mailers? In other “blogs”, I have commented about media bias and the JS. Your newspaper is one of the most biased newspapers in the U.S.A.!! The quotes used in this mailer were taken out of context from your paper with your paper’s logo, yet your paper never said a word!!

Your paper strongly endorsed my opponent so it was OK for my opponent to use your logo, right? Your paper strongly endorsed Ricca’s opponent so it wasn’t all right for Ricca to use your logo, right? Ricca, if you or one of your friends see this “blog”, I saved a copy of these mailers so if Jack’s attorneys harass you, I’ll support you because the Journal Star has set a precedent of another candidate using their logo, despite the supposed advantage of the power of this logo, both of you lost your election. (Also these mailers used wording out of context.)

When I started writing, I said I would not be “politically correct”. I plan to defend myself and other people who are assaulted by any media. What their party affiliation or no party affiliation or whether I voted for them doesn’t matter. The Journal has tried and sometimes succeeded in destroying those they hate. If you agree with them orfollow their attempts to lead you can do no wrong.

Someone who knows Ricca better than I do should send her a copy of this document.

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