Thursday, May 31, 2018

Clark Gable Accused - Today, He Would Be Guilty As Accused and Relegated To the 'Dust Bin'

Pete Martin wrote an article titled " The King" dated 1979 and published in Movie Book, p. 6 and 7, by the Saturday Evening Post about an interview with the famous actor in which he stated to Martin that he was accused of being the father of a child from a woman he did not remember ever meeting. I'll shorten the story. The accusation was proven not true and the accuser was eventually indicted by the Postal Department for using the mail to defraud.

Happen today? Being accused is being indicted.. No Clark Gable.

As many of you know, a Florida misdemeanor accusation was made against me in 2013 and forwarded from Florida by Jerry Stowell, an Elementary school teacher in Florida to his brother Jim Stowell, a local stock-broker in Peoria, who forwarded my arrest to all the local Peoria medias and bloggers.  In July, 2014, I appeared before a Florida Judge who did not indict me. My arrest record is being removed by the State of Florida. Due any day now because of the huge backlog of all courts in the country.

Like who cares, my friends say. People are free too BELIEVE WHAT THEY WANT BUT THE LEFT WING LOSERS ARE FED FALSE NEWS DAILY.

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