Thursday, October 07, 2010

ObamaCare and the Repeal Pledge

"A Plague of Vagueness" writes Daniel Henninger in the WSJ on July 1, 2010. "The opaqueness of the sort Dodd, Frank and the president favor shifts the locus, yes, locus is a word, of power away from all citizens and toward an administrative minority that reduces the nation's civil life to a costly game of Mother-may-I."

Repeal Pledge, under any circumstance, can not unravel all the deliberate or unintended consequences of ObamaCare, as Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, says there are probably three on every single page of this massive bill. Written in terms so vague that people of intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning. The WSJ Editorial Board believes the best way to dismember this boondoggle is "limb by limb", at least for the next two years.

Whether the Republicans will recognize the opportunities handled them remains to be seen. I am not enamoured of many Republicans including local Dave Leitch who know how to spend with the best of the Democrats on the basis of "if we don't take the money, someone else will". At least all Republicans I know realize that Obamacare is one of the major disasters facing this country; whether they know how to benefit from the mistakes of most Democrats and Obama, remains to be seen.

It is likely they will be given a chance to start correcting ObamaCare in November. What they do in the ensuing two years will determine what happens in 2012.

I am not as optimistic as these new reformers running against embedded incumbents, prefaced by the TV advertising of Democrat Mike Smith as he continues his relentless attack on Mr. Unes, appealing to the sub-level intelligence of many welfare and hard 6 Democrats. I still remind my readers that most #6 Democrats will vote for a Democrat no matter who or what. When I was campaigning, many a Democrat said they agree with me and that I was the best candidate but they had always voted a straight Democrat ticket and weren't going to change now.

When our liberal public education system teaches that it is wealth that provides better than living wage jobs and that losses in investments offset taxes on salaries, Smith's campaign propaganda will fall on deaf ears. Observations indicate that that time may be a long time coming.

Whether all the Republicans understand that their best chances lie with the "soft" Democrats and the independents, remains to be seen; especially after 2012. And whether those 2010 re-elected Republicans practice what they are preaching now.

Most all people looking for all they can get free and for government to be their "mothership" are going to vote Democrat; some government checks unfortunately helping to keep the slot machines churning out profits, creating low-paying jobs. Fortunately, many casinos will not accept welfare cards but I am told other places, like Seven-11 stores with slot machines, do accept these welfare cards.

In the last election, many Republicans didn't like the Republican tickets so they stayed home on election day. To follow this stubbornness in this election can only lead to liberty yielding to government control.

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