Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Obama's Afghanistan Strategy

I'm glad he is taking a stand. I think. He has taken stands before and broken them. Maxine Waters, head of the Black Caucus said she cannot support more troops, spoken like a true far left pacifist socialist. John McCain said "never give the enemy a withdrawal schedule." Waters is a disgrace to the country. McCain, while not much of political campaigner, is a true patriot.

Waters fear mongers with "five thousand of our young dead." She has put aside the 3000 killed on our soil on 9/11/2001 and the 101,000+ killed on foreign soil in the past century fighting for the freedom of Waters and her ilk to spread their propaganda to the radical terrorists.

One more person the country could do without. The black caucus? Mostly all left wing Democrats.

It's time for a "change" alright. How to make up the billions in freedom costs? Clean up $40 billion a year in just Medicare fraud as a starter. Cut out half of the government funded subsidies and entitlements. And don't call Medicare and and Social Security unneeded entitlement. I still have these deductions taken from my paycheck.

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