Thursday, November 01, 2012

ObamaCare - The Devil is in the Details

Please, take a few moments to read:

"ObamaCare's Costs to the Working Class

by David Gamage, in the October 31, 2012 issue of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

A doctor friend of mine points out that one major thing left out of the 2200 page ObamaCare Act is any tort reform.

This omission will continue to cost the doctors from $300-500 billion a year in additional insurance costs to protect them from these tort class-action attorney specialists. Someone will pay for these additional cost; either the doctor or the patient.

It doesn't take much reasoning to see that general practice physicians are going to retire early and few new medical students will fill these vacancies.

Consider that around 30 million NEW mainly Medicaid and some Medicare patients will be seeking  general practice doctors. Someone is going to bear the extra costs of the many who who depend on the government for their health needs.

Professor Gamage is hoping that Democrats and Republicans will 'WORK TOGETHER TO CORRECT THE FLAWS IN OBAMACARE''.

I can see that happening if Republicans retain the House, capture the Senate and send BO back to being a Chicago activist and being a big hit on the Socialist leaning speaking tour.

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