Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Peoria Public School District #150 - Expenditures vs. Enrollment

In 1997-8, the budget for #150 was $107,966,000 and enrollment was 15,258.
In 20o7-8, the budget for #150 was $166,503,000 and enrollment was 13,825.

But then rising costs are not new in the public sector.

For a complete breakdown of these D150 figures, visit C. J. Summer's "The Peoria Chronicle" blog.

Take a good look at your property bill and see where your money goes and consider if you are getting the results you expect. I believe you will notice that your Assessed Valuation (the tax levy has gone slightly down, 0.1186 total in the last ten years) is rising while the SELLING value of your property declines.

Not always of course because of location, location location.

Not to worry, though, the new $92+ million Peoria Riverfront Museum will be holding classes to educate those who don't get educated in #150 classrooms. And the welfare checks being spent by the uneducated, will keep the economy humming. I think, isn't that Obama's plan? Spread the wealth to the havenots?

Read much about the plight of people Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Havana?

In Peoria County, we are going to build a $55 million dollar nursing home for the "poor", mainly 165 Medicaid residents, while collecting $3,200,000 in yearly escalating property taxes to "maintain" the present BelWood. With a $1.6 million dead records storage under the new BelWood. Like there aren't any vacant spaces and buildings close to the courthouse??

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to borrow $51 million for the new BelWood and pay interest for 30 years? Or collect $41,600,000 from extra sales taxes ($approx. $4million a year for 20 years) to fund a museum that most people do not want.

Again, not to worry, the "movers and shakers" in Peoria can tell their out of town friends of all the enhancements we have. Includes the Caterpillar Visitors Center while Cat moves most of their manufacturing jobs to "right to work" states like Tennessee, N. Carolina and Texas. While the unions grow more powerful in the Peoria public sectors. And don't forget the "oohing" and "aAhing" over the coming "big screen" and the giraffe; once there were two of them. Unfortunately, these friends evidently don't come to stay as will be shown when the $50+ billion COST census (estimated cost so far, BUT IT CREATED JOBS) figures are announced in 2011 or 2012.

And while in Peoria, visit the E. Peoria gambling boat the Peoria drug dealers. Many of the gambling visitors stay in E.Peoria while the big casino money goes to the "out of town" owners. And taxes to the bankrupt state of Illinois.

I note speeding fines in Illinois are going to rise dramatically to cover the politicians OPM spending. That will help make the poor poorer and people to avoid this state.

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